SCCapstone / NunchuckDucks

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Gymbit is an app that combines social media and fitness tracking into one cohesive environment. The app allows users to set their fitness goals and track their progress on them while also following other users and seeing their progress as well. Aside from setting goals and seeing other users goals and progress a user can post once a day with a photo or video of their workout and a short description of what their workout for the day was. Other users can then see this post on their feed and interact with it through likes and comments.

The files for our Gymbit project can be accessed through ( In order to run and compile the project the user will need to install node.js to their local machine, and expo go to their phone, the links for both are included in the external requirements section. After these are installed, clone the github repository and navigate to that folder in your terminal. Then follow the instructions in the external Requirements section, the Setup section, and finally the Run section.

External Requirements

Below are the external requirements for Windows OS:

In order to build this project you first need to complete the steps below:

  1. Below is the required software needed to be installed to run the application:

    • Computer Installation: § Node.js
    • Phone Installation: § Need to download the "EXPO" app of the android or IOS app store.
  2. After installing Node JS, download the application -folder and paste it into a folder on your local device.


First, we need to install expo-cli through your PowerShell terminal. Open the terminal and navigate to the application directory and run the following command: Npx install -g expo-cli

Then, run npm i to install all the packages the project uses.

After installing, you may have a few vulnerabilities so we will now run: npx audit fix

If there are errors with a script running you will need to do the following in a separate terminal and then repeat the steps above:

  1. Open another PowerShell terminal on your windows device as an ADMINISTRATOR.
  2. Run the following command: get-ExecutionPolicy
  3. If your device says "restricted" you may need to set it to unrestricted in order for the appropriate scripts to run.
  4. To change this, run the command: set-ExecutionPolicy
  5. Now enter: unrestricted and the problem running scripts should be resolved.
  6. You can change this back to restricted the exact same way, just change your entry from unrestricted to restricted.


To run the app, use one of the following commands. expo start npm start

The user can then either use a connected emulator or a web browser to use the app. The user can also download the Expo Go app and scan the QR code with their smartphone camera to use the app.


EAS build is the technology used to make all of the necessary builds for the project.

The first step to creating a new build is to download the eas command line tool:

npm install -g eas-cli

Now, if you are a GymBit adminstrator with build creation permission, sign in to Expo from the command line:

eas login

You are now able to create builds using EAS.

The most common command we use is to make a new Android production build:

eas build -p android --profile preview

This profile, called preview, can be found in the eas.json file.

Other profiles have been created, such as ones for making an iOS build, a development build, and more.

To learn more about making new build profiles, check out

To check on the build status and to download new builds, go to


Unit Tests

To run unit tests, simply run the command npm test

The Unit tests are located at ./src/library/*.test.js and ./src/components/*/*.test. In other words, most components will have a component.test.js file alongside the file holding the actual code, and some other unit tests for library functions can be found in the library folder.

Testing Technology

No test runners required

Behavioral Tests

The behavioral tests are all located at e2e/*.test.js.

To run the end-to-end test, perform these steps:

(For iOS)

  1. Download the application binary from the Expo Dev builds section. Decompress the file; it should become a folder of type Application, and named "".
  2. Open two terminals. In one, run the app with npm start
  3. In the other, enter the command detox test --configuration <config>
    1. <config> should be one of the configurations listed under .detoxrc.js
      1. If using an iOS emulator, consider using ios.sim.release for <config>\

(For Android)

  1. In .detoxrc.js make sure to change the name of the emulator under devices.emulator.device.avdName to the name of the emulator you are using. (if you are using an emulator)
  2. If using windows make sure the path in .detoxrc.js under has && instead of ; and double back-slashes instead of a single forward slash. If using a Mac, these configurations should be the opposite.
  3. run the command detox build -c android.emu.release. Or download the .apk to the path android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk
  4. run the command detox test <test-file-name> -c android.emu.release. The is the name of the individual detox test suite you want to run. If you want to run them all, run detox test -c android.emu.release

The test files generally take about 1-3 minutes each to run completely


Tyler Barrett:

Cort Miles:

Kennedy Fairey:

Nathan Dolbir:

Bryson Carroll: