SDFIdk / gsearch-ui

Web component that implements a simple UI for GSearch. NPM package available
MIT License
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A web component that implements a simple UI for GSearch.


Demo page at



$ npm i @dataforsyningen/gsearch-ui -S


To use GSearch-UI you must first create a user at and create a token.

You can then use GSearch-UI like in the example below.

  <g-search data-token="INSERTYOURTOKENHERE"></g-search>
<script type="module">
  import { GSearchUI } from '@dataforsyningen/gsearch-ui'
  customElements.define('g-search', GSearchUI)
  document.querySelector("g-search").addEventListener('gsearch:select', (event) => {
    // handle the click here
    // event.detail contains the result object

Data attributes

GSearch-UI is configured using html data attributes.

attribute name description required updates dynamically default
data-token A valid token from yes yes NaN
data-resources The resources that should be searched in. See more information in the GSearch documentation no yes navngivenvej,husnummer,adresse,stednavn,kommune,region,retskreds,postnummer,opstillingskreds,sogn,politikreds,matrikel,matrikel_udgaaet
resource-filter-enabled Show filter buttons for the selected resources to allow the user to toggle resources. no yes false
data-limit The number of matches for each resource to be shown. The maximum value is 100. no yes 10
data-placeholder The placeholder text to show in the input field. no yes søg...
data-api Use a custom URL for GSearch API (ie. if you want to use a test API) no yes
data-filter Use a custom filter in the search query. Learn about filters in the GSearch docs. no no none
data-srid The coordinate system of the returned geometries. The following values are allowed: 2196, 2197, 2198, 3857, 4093, 4094, 4095, 4096, 4326, 25832, 25833. no yes 25832

On click event

When clicking on a result displayed in the GSearch-UI it will dispatch a custom event, gsearch:select, that contains the result object in event.detail. The structure of the object depends on the resource. See more information about the different resouces here:

Clicking the cross to clear the input field fires a custom event, gsearch:clear.

Publish NPM

Create a new release in Github to publish an updated NPM package. Details are available in the "Npm" section of SDFI ITU's wiki.


GSearch-UI is made available under the MIT license by Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Infrastruktur @ SDFI