SDP-Group-Js / ECMS-Backend

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ECMS Backend

This would be backend of the main system used by wildlife, forestry, and environment institutions to view and manage complaints.


git clone

cd ECMS-Backend

npm install

npm run dev

You would need to go into both frontend and backend directories and run this code.

How start to developing

The server directory contains an api directory which contains all the main routes. The assigned member would be responsible for their route.

First checkout your remote module branch

git fetch [module-branch-name]
git checkout [module-branch-name]

Then create your feature branch within your module branch

git checkout -b [module-branch-name]/[feature-name]
git add .
git commit -m "Starting work on [module-branch-name]/[feature-name]
git push -u origin [module-branch-name]/[feature-name]

How to keep contributing

Once you have started development and you are implement your module feature. Make sure to commit your changes once you have done a certain amount of work. For example completing a function or part of a function that can be commit.

Once you are ready to make a commit do the follow steps

git add ./file-name
git commit -m "Commit Message"
git push -u origin [module-branch-name]/[feature-name]

Make sure you are working in your module feature branch!!!

If you are encountering bugs and need help with fix it. Create a bugfix branch

git add ./file-name
git commit -m "Describe bug/error"
git push -u origin bugfix/[module-name]/[bug-name]

How to pull changes from develop branch

Make sure that you are in branch that you want to merge changes

git fetch
git merge develop

To push changes to your remote repo

git push -u origin [module-name]/[feature-name]

Backend API Development


Prisma ORM:

The API routes are divided into modules. There is one router file for each and will store all the routers for that module.


import express, { Router, Request, Response } from 'express'

const workflowRouter: Router = express.Router()"/institution", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  const [data, institutionId] = req.body;

  // controller to create a new institution workflow
  const newInstitutionWorkflow = await createInstitutionWorkflow(data, institutionId);

  return res.json(newInstitutionWorkflow)

export default workflowRouter

Example of controller

//controller is a function that does a particular function
async function createInstitutionWorkflow (data, institutionId) {
   await prisma.institution.update({
    where: {
        id: institutionId
    data: {
        workflows: {
            create: {
                data: data

Prisma ORM setup

To generate the updated Prisma Client

npx prisma generate

If chagnes are made and you want to update the schema

npx prisma db push

Warning! This could possible change the schema and there could be data loss