Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository. Run the following command to clone the repository:
git clone
Go to the main branch and fetch the latest changes.
git checkout main
git pull
This command installs the necessary Node.js modules specified in the package.json file.
yarn #or yarn install
In the .env file, change DATABASE_URL based on your personal setup.
Delete prisma/migrations folder. Then, run the following commands:
npx prisma migrate dev #then y, then name it as seed
npx prisma db seed
node prisma/request_seed.js
Enter the commands:
yarn build
yarn start
Start the development server with the following command:
yarn dev
Note: development mode is not the optimized version of the app; waiting times will be slow. Build the app instead if you don't need to debug the source code.
Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000. You should see the Next.js app running locally.
Any changes you make to the code will automatically trigger hot reloading, so you can see updates without restarting the server.
Run this command on a different terminal:
npx prisma studio
Prisma Studio will be accessible at http://localhost:5432.