SEGuRo-Projekt / Gateway

Scripts for the measurement data transmission to the SEGuRo platform
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Scripts for the measurement data transmission to the SEGuRo platform


pip install .


Enter development shell

Either by running:

nix develop

or by installing direnv and running:

direnv allow

Inside the development shell you can directly work on the Python code or use the following commands:

Virtual machine

Start the VM by running: start-vm.

Then check the VILLASnode service and its config:

systemctl status villas-node

cat /boot/firmware/gateway.json
cat /boot/firmware/villas-config.json

You can exit the VM console by Ctrl+A + X.

Build Raspberry Pi SD-card image

Build a SD-card image by running:

nix build

or short

nix build .

This will place the generated SD-card image under ./result/sd-image/.

You can use dd to copy this image to a real SD-card:

zstd -d ./result/sd-image/*.img.zst | dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4k


pip install -e .
