SEMICeu / Core-Public-Event-Vocabulary

A vocabulary that describes the basic elements of a public event, such as conferences and summits.
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Core Public Event Vocabulary (CPEV) SEMIC Core Vocabulary

This is the repository for the development and maintenance of the Core Public Event Vocabulary.

The Core Public Event Vocabulary provides a minimum set of classes and properties for describing a public event, e.g. a summit, conference, etc.

The current version of the Core Public Event Vocabulary is 1.1.0.

This specification is under development by the Working Group of the Core Public Event Vocabulary following an open and collaborative process (

Structure of the repository

/releases: Core Public Event releases (1.00, 2.00 etc), each release might have different distributions.


Copyright © 2024 European Union. All material in this repository is published under the licence CC-BY 4.0, unless explicitly otherwise mentioned. Any problems encountered, or suggestions for new functionalities can be submitted as issues on the CPEV repository on GitHub.

Webinar Overview

This section offers an overview of the webinars and events related to the Core Public Event Vocabulary.

The table below shows webinars and events related to latest version of the Core Public Event Vocabulary:



Webinar on review of Core Vocabularies and Style Guide Blog post


Webinar on review of Core Vocabularies


The table below shows webinars and events related to previous versions of the Core Public Event Vocabulary:

Click to open table



Webinar dedicated to the review of the Core Vocabularies


Core Public Event Vocabulary Workshop


Core Vocabularies revision


Webinar on the Core Public Event Vocabulary


Implementing ISA² Core Vocabularies in JSON-LD
