SEMICeu / iso-19139-to-dcat-ap

Reference XSLT-based implementation of GeoDCAT-AP
European Union Public License 1.2
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Tag each new version #30

Closed arbakker closed 3 years ago

arbakker commented 3 years ago

It took me a while to find out what version of dcat-ap the current version of the XSLT generates. This could be improved by tagging (or creating a release) each new released version in this repository. This makes it easy for users to link a release to a specific commit. Right now this kind of awkard. I suppose right now the edit commit of the represents the version/release, but it is not very explicit. So for instance, right now this commit represents version 2.7.

With the proposed change the version is also reflected in the url (works since there is already one release; v1.13):

andrea-perego commented 3 years ago

Thanks for raising this issue, @arbakker .

The policy adopted so far (but not explicitly stated) is that the XSLT in the master branch always implements the mappings defined in the latest version of GeoDCAT-AP. Releases are created when work starts to implement a new version of GeoDCAT-AP.

So, the current XSLT in the master branch implements GeoDCAT-AP 2, whereas release 1.13 implements GeoDCAT-AP 1.

Does this make sense to you?

Meanwhile, I'll revise the documentation to explain the current policy.

arbakker commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the explanation , makes sense to me. Explicitly describing the current release policy in the docs will be a big improvement over the current situation. Tagging each new release is not strictly necessary (but would be nice to have).

andrea-perego commented 3 years ago

Relevant revisions implemented via PR (yet to be merged).