SEMICeu / iso-19139-to-dcat-ap

Reference XSLT-based implementation of GeoDCAT-AP
European Union Public License 1.2
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api dcat dcat-ap geodcat-ap inspire interoperability iso19115 iso19139 metadata rdf transformation xslt

Purpose and usage

This XSLT is a proof of concept for the implementation of the specification concerning the geospatial profile of DCAT-AP (GeoDCAT-AP), available on Joinup, the collaboration platform of the EU ISA Programme:

As such, this XSLT must be considered as unstable, and can be updated any time based on the revisions to the GeoDCAT-AP specifications and related work in the framework of INSPIRE and the EU ISA Programme.

Comments and inquiries should be sent via the issue tracker.

How to use the XSLT

Instructions on how to use the XSLT are available in a separate page.

The XSLT in the master branch always corresponds to the latest version of GeoDCAT-AP, and it can be directly used via the following URL:

Previous releases are available from the release page.

Testing the XSLT with the GeoDCAT-AP API

A proof-of-concept API has been developed to facilitate the testing of the XSLT on single metadata records or on top of a CSW endpoint.

A working demo of GeoDCAT-API is available at:

The code of the API is available in a separate folder, along with the relevant documentation.



This work is supported by the EU Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations Programme (ISA) through Action 1.17: Re-usable INSPIRE Reference Platform (ARe3NA).