SEP-TU-e-2024 / euro-neurips-vrp-2022-quickstart

Quickstart for EURO Meets NeurIPS 2022 Vehicle Routing Competition
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VRPTW contest 2022

Original repository can be found at

This repository has few if any functional changes, and mostly documents how you can run a dynamic VRPTW submission, or validate a static VRPTW solution.

This document uses terminology version 4.3 as much as possible. Use the v4.3 terminology diagram for reference.


As this is a Python project, I recommend using a virtual environment, this guide assumes you are familiar with this process. The directory name .venv is added to the .gitignore file for this purpose.

Before continuing, make sure that you have MakeTools (the make command) and g++ installed. If you don't already have this, this can be installed with sudo apt install build-essential.

To build and install all dependencies (Python libaries and others), run ./ This first installs the Python libraries, then builds HGS-VRPTW, the baseline solver.

Note: to make it easy on yourself, don't try this on Windows. For Windows users, I recommend installing WSL: feel free to ask me (Teun) for help with that.


Verifier for Solver (Static Problem)

A Solver is an algorithmic code submission. A Verifier is able to verify the correctness of a Solver for a Static Problem.

Use the command python --instance instances/ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-0bdff870-d1-n458-k35.txt --epoch_tlim 5 --static -- ./ This will evaluate the Solver in (containing the baseline HGS-VRPTW Solver) with the given Problem Instance (from --instance).

The file combined with (and possibly others) forms the Verifier in this repository.

Simulator for Solver (Dynamic Problem)

A Solver is an algorithmic code submission. A Simulator is able to verify the correctness of a Solver for a Dynamic Problem.

Use the command python --instance instances/ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-0bdff870-d1-n458-k35.txt --epoch_tlim 5 -- ./ This will evaluate the Solver in (containing the baseline HGS-VRPTW Solver) (using a Simulator) with the given Problem Instance (from --instance).

The file combined with (and possibly others) forms the Verifier in this repository.

Verifying Static Solution (Static Problem)

A Static Solution is the output data of a Solver for a Static Problem.

Use the command python --instance instances/ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-0bdff870-d1-n458-k35.txt. This will read a Static Solution from standard input, and Verify it.

To get a dummy static solution, run the Verifier for a Solver, this will print its solution at the end of the verification.

For example, the following is a Static Solution for the problem instance data in instances/ORTEC-VRPTW-ASYM-0bdff870-d1-n458-k35.txt:

[[197, 149, 259, 304, 244, 282, 240, 37, 24], [152, 350, 25, 195, 129, 361, 394, 86, 101, 46, 92, 53, 130, 105], [337, 273, 412, 291, 68, 126, 36, 100, 452, 296, 292, 448, 437, 321, 203, 95, 182], [144, 232, 230, 19, 142, 81, 257, 164, 175, 253, 307, 393, 403, 373, 85, 147], [426, 455, 184, 29, 407, 421, 262, 252, 409, 264, 430, 450, 439, 102, 204, 4, 317, 279, 212], [77, 103, 59, 155, 110, 124, 319], [401, 416, 434, 433, 413, 315, 118, 278, 233, 228, 213, 20, 15, 208, 64, 150, 167, 196], [357, 384, 418, 411, 211, 387, 67, 17, 3, 179, 301, 174, 389, 11, 109, 327, 329, 254, 286, 112], [255, 390, 241, 30, 181, 303, 91, 168, 154, 187, 370, 89, 335, 342, 428, 176, 442, 238, 156], [193, 185, 191, 247, 349, 133, 40, 114, 84, 16, 313, 227, 111, 289, 237, 218, 353, 348, 356, 355], [44, 422, 351, 368, 369, 66, 65, 298, 382, 322, 270, 243, 280, 277, 231, 225, 226, 26, 260], [106, 60, 70, 139, 121, 385, 432, 170, 214, 310, 79, 306, 123, 127, 138, 153, 140], [263, 249, 234, 135, 235, 354, 314, 324, 54, 47, 376, 94, 96, 122, 117, 104], [206, 283, 224, 400, 48, 132, 188, 272, 223, 217, 207, 210, 209, 340, 358, 163, 371, 388, 311, 320], [21, 162, 173, 386, 219, 229, 265, 269, 14, 183, 436, 201, 18, 13, 12, 137, 43, 134, 205, 148], [190, 316, 136, 165, 202, 186, 87, 2, 5, 345, 281, 61, 364, 449, 6, 261, 456, 446, 198, 22, 189], [268, 445, 1, 200, 415, 245, 397, 395, 431, 35, 447, 145, 276, 275, 274, 297, 312], [392, 396, 166, 417, 169, 119, 28, 34, 45, 39, 31, 427, 248], [379, 429, 336, 318, 300, 8, 7, 295, 443, 408, 398, 294, 293, 32, 305, 362, 367, 420, 347, 457, 404], [323, 333, 328, 33, 341, 299, 57, 435, 423, 288, 287, 365, 50, 419], [69, 271, 346, 215, 267, 159, 160, 338, 256, 343, 251, 309, 258, 326, 414, 372], [99, 410, 374, 381, 406, 441, 62, 141, 180, 266, 246, 220, 194, 454, 440, 402, 451, 458], [405, 71, 75, 76, 151, 55, 88, 83, 52, 344, 339, 63, 27, 172, 334, 332, 222, 308], [375, 49, 58], [366, 125, 80], [42, 284, 359, 9, 330, 438, 98, 41, 73, 56, 131, 116, 290], [171, 285, 10, 239, 157, 250, 74, 178, 51, 236, 216, 199, 221, 82, 143, 192, 120, 444], [108, 107, 72, 93, 97, 146, 242, 331, 113, 38, 425, 161, 325, 383, 360, 78, 177, 158, 399, 453], [352, 23, 302, 115, 90, 128, 391, 377, 378, 380, 424, 363]]