This is a repository for a custom workshop that utilizes an Education Kit 3 from Cambridge Raspberry Jam.
There are X steps to setup the workshop
We found it difficult for our workshop takers to plug in the robot to a screen every time they needed to change code. In addition to the hassle, the robot would still be on and the motors may still run, making the workshop takers to turn the batteries off and on every debug session. Not a good experience for our use case where the workshop takers are beginners to wiring and coding anything technical. Our solution, or comprimise, is to use two Raspberry Pis where one remote control the other through SSH.
Setting up the recieving Pi is quick and easy with the official Raspberry Pi Imager provided by the Raspberry Pi team.
hostname -I
in the terminal and write down the given ip adress, this will be used in DesktopPi.
The RobotPi should all be setup for now :)Setting up the sending Pi requires more steps. We use the same Raspberry Pi Imager as before, but this time we select the regular desktop OS instead of Lite.
directory and run chmod +x; ./ pi1
It will install VS Code and add a function to .bashrc
named "runonrobot" that will connect to pi1 and make it run the selected python file.When the coding workshop begins, have the Visual Studio Code open with the folder workshop. Right-click on instruction-handout and select Open Preview
. Open as well. Rearrange so that the instructions and python file are viewed side by side. Also add a terminal for them to run the command.
The final task of the workshop has three issues: 1. Variable speed
is set to 1.0
, 2. A time.sleep(1)
before the if statement that is completely unnecessary, 3. The last time.sleep()
has speed
as an argument rather than 1.0
Let the participants follow the instruction handout until they have a working obstacle avoiding robot, when they are done let them write a conclusion report into prototype-report.
When there are 10 to 5 minutes left of the workshop, get their attention and ask each group what was problematic and what their ideas for improvement are. Start with the groups that have completed the report, then confirm with the groups who didn't get that far.