SFCryptocurrencyDevs / tipmebch

Shipping New CryptoApps with Tipping on Telegram. Join us! -->
MIT License
4 stars 4 forks source link

tipmebch SF Cryptocurrency Devs

Tipping for Telegram with Bitcoin Forked for SF Cryptocurrency Devs to get regular developers building Cyrptocurrency Applications for fun and skills improvement. Tip me BCH!



This software is highly experimental and may lead to loss of funds. The author takes no responsibility for your money.

Where to get started?

Ah, great question! In fact, we anticipated this very question. To make it as easy as possible to jump right in, we have created project proposals within the issues of this repo. The project proposals are denoted with the Project Proposal label. To make it even easier to distinguish between the different project proposals, we have labeled them:

Developer Github Repo Forking instructions

Step 1: Fork a copy of this Repo into your own Github account.

Fork on Github into your own repo

Step 2: Clone a copy from Github to a copy on your computer

git clone git@github.com:your-username/tipmebch.git

Step 3: Change directories to the tipbot directory

cd tipmebch

Step 4: Add the SF Cryptocurrency Devs Repo to your upstream

git remote add upstream git@github.com:SFCryptocurrencyDevs/tipmebch.git

Step 5: Begin working on your branch idea and save your work!

git checkout -b new-branch-feature
git commit -am 'Your updated commits'

Step 6: Update and rebase your local copy with the SF Cryptocurrency Devs Repo as there may be changes

git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master
git checkout new-branch-feature
git push

Step 7: Go to Github and make a Pull Request and The SF Cryptocurrency Devs Telegram should alert with a post!


For Mac OS Add Homebrew GCC to your Homebrew

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew install gcc

For Linux Install the Developer Tools

sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'

Install rust https://www.rust-lang.org/en-US/install.html

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

Add rust to your environment path

source $HOME/.cargo/env
brew install nodejs
npm install


Define the environment variables:

export TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=yourbottoken:yoursecret
export BITCOIND_URL=http://rpcuser:rpcpassword@localhost:8332
export STAFF_USER_ID=403107081
export REDIS_URL=redis://localhost

Setup the Github Bounty Bot

git@github.com:SFCryptocurrencyDevs/tipmebch.git Check out the readme here


Start the tipbot

npm start

Start the github bounty bot

npm run bounty

Stickers sets

See sticker set documentation




  1. Andreas Brekken mailto:andreas@brekken.com
  2. SF Cryptocurrency Devs San Francisco http://SFCryptocurrencyDevs.com