SGA-A / c2c

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Fights #109

Open SGA-A opened 2 months ago

SGA-A commented 2 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

The next feature we've been given reccomendations on is fights. This is to add more more interactive components between users because as of now it does feel like a lacking component of the economy.

This is obviously a huge feature that could potentially take months to implement, even to a good standard.

Describe the solution you'd like

This is broken into multiple aspects to make it easier to process all at once.

Game fundamentals Fundamentally, we will start with one fight mode, and introduce others later on.

Only the fighters can click any of the buttons.

Introduce a progression system where players can level up their characters, unlock new abilities, and earn rewards through gameplay. This could include experience points, skill trees, and upgrades that allow players to customize themselves and grow stronger over time.


We are also considering whether this feature should be locked to players with passive enabled. We may have to implement button cooldowns to avoid overloading the bot as well, since most of the interactions will be done through buttons. Spamming the buttons will eventually result in the interaction failing as well.

This list of what we plan to do is not exhaustive, things may change and more may be added over time. This is a large project and things might not turn out as expected, so we will adapt as necessary.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Introduce some new elements that are not already present within other economy bots. Be creative!

Additional context

As described from ChatGPT: Fights serve as a means of conflict resolution, allowing players to interact with adversaries, whether they be AI-controlled enemies or other players in multiplayer scenarios. These confrontations provide a dynamic and immersive experience, where players must strategize, react, and adapt to overcome their opponents. This strategic element adds depth to gameplay, fostering a sense of accomplishment as players master the mechanics and prevail in combat situations.

Additionally, fights offer a platform for skill development and mastery. Players have the opportunity to hone their abilities, reflexes, and strategic thinking as they engage in combat encounters. Whether it's mastering complex combos, timing precise attacks, or devising cunning strategies, players can continuously improve their skills through practice and experience. This sense of progression and growth fosters a rewarding gameplay loop, where players are motivated to overcome increasingly difficult challenges and adversaries.

Furthermore, fights can serve as a social and competitive aspect of gaming. In multiplayer games, battles allow players to test their skills against others, fostering friendly competition, camaraderie, and community engagement. Whether it's team-based skirmishes or one-on-one duels, combat encounters provide opportunities for players to showcase their abilities, collaborate with teammates, and engage in friendly rivalry. This social aspect adds longevity to the gaming experience, as players seek to improve their skills, climb leaderboards, and form lasting connections with fellow gamers.