SGA-A / c2c

Source code for the custom app exclusive to cc, where most interactions begin and end.
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link
discord-bot python


About · Made using · Created on 30/11/2022
Key Features · Error Handler · Components · See more below

Ruff Windows Python Compatible Versions

[![python badge](]( "Python")


[!CAUTION] We do not support running an instance of the bot. Setup details will not be given, if you can figure it out, go nuts.

We are not responsible for any errors that may occur when running this bot. It is also not production-ready.


Developer's Favourite Feature

The help command. It is an interactive menu sorting all the commands within cogs by category and assumes each cog fits into one category. A dropdown is displayed to list the available categories and clicking any given one provides an embed edited from the original response containing every single command that corresponds to the category. My thought process at the time of making it was robust. It can also list subcommands of a grouped slash command. All of the embed images are now hosted on Imgur.

[!NOTE] The future of this project is uncertain. Given my limited free time, I may not be able to update the code after breaking changes to the library/API take place. This will only dwindle in the future. See and the Version Guarantees for


Of course, we didn't make it work all by ourselves. We have to acknowledge these author's for making certain features possible: