SGA-A / c2c

Source code for the custom app exclusive to cc, where most interactions begin and end.
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`/role custom` failing to detect roles with multiple spaces #114

Closed SGA-A closed 1 month ago

SGA-A commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Add multiple role names, seperated by spaces to denote each role
  2. Add a role that has spaces in it
  3. The bot ignores the pending assignment/removal of that role to the user

Expected behavior The bot removes/assigns the roles with spaces as expected. It would also be nice if you could include role IDs. Perhaps by using the role converter dpy has built in.

To address Could place underscores on roles with multiple spaces to represent a space. But that's just an thought.

SGA-A commented 1 month ago

To emphasise, it still will not perform the operation if you mention the role.

You have to insert just the name of it.