SGrondin / oracle-orm

Not maintained anymore! Please fork
MIT License
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Because the other options are worse.

There's only one other ORM for Node.js that supports Oracle. It says a lot about the cultures of both Node and Oracle.

The other ORM has over a year of open issues on Github, it sometimes generates invalid Oracle SQL statements and does absurd things like creating a table PEOPLE for a model named PERSON (and PEOPLES for PEOPLE, ha). I don't like ORMs, I'm forced to use one for a project. I don't want my tools to do unexpected things in the database and that other ORM is full of surprises.

Oracle-ORM is safe against SQL injections.

This ORM only supports the features I need. It doesn't support connection pooling, error recovery and all sorts of basic things you'd expect from an ORM. If you want those features added, open an issue or send a pull request.


Don't install from npm yet!

First, make sure libaio is installed: sudo apt-get install libaio1 or sudo yum install libaio

Then, go to the Oracle driver page and select your architecture. Download instantclient-basic-linux.x64-12.1.***.zip and instantclient-sdk-linux.x64-12.1.***.zip.

Unzip both into YOUR_PROJECT/instantclient_12_1. It won't work if the driver can't be found.

Run npm install oracle-orm in your project's directory. It'll prompt for sudo because the Oracle driver needs environment variables.

Finally, run source /etc/environment (or just logout and log back in). All done!

Run the tests

Put the database credentials in node_modules/oracle-orm/testDB.json and run npm test oracle-orm.


var ORM = require("oracle-orm");
var oracleConnectData = {
    driver: "oracle"
    hostname: "hostname or IP"
    port: 1521
    database: "database name (SID)"
    user: "username"
    password: "password123"
var debug = true;

new ORM(oracleConnectData, debug, function(err, orm){
    orm.getModels(function(err, models){
        // do stuff with the models

Due to the very callback-heavy nature of SQL, it's recommended to use a tool to deal with that. Promises, Generators, Streamline, Q, Async, etc. are all good options.


Oracle-ORM works by building one Model object per table in the database. Operations on that Model affect the whole table. Operations GET and ALL on a Model return new copies of Units. A Unit maps to a database row. There can be more than one Unit per row. Operations on a Unit only affect that row.


Getting the Models

orm.getModels(function(err, models){
    //do something with the models

Running arbitrary SQL

orm.execute(sql, paramsArray, function(err, results){ ... });


In these examples, USER is a Model.

The USER.columns object contains information about the field types.


USER.add({"USER_ID":5, "NAME":"JOE SMITH"}, function(err, results){ ... });


// USER_ID between 5 and 20
USER.get({"USER_ID":">5", "USER_ID":"<20"}, [], function(err, results){ ... });

// All users, ordered by USER_ID ascending and NAME descending
USER.get({}, ["USER_ID ASC", "NAME DESC"], function(err, results){ ... });


// Shortcut for .get({}, [], cb);
// all() returns Units in a non-deterministic order
USER.all(function(err, results){ ... });


// Apply change to the whole table
// Change all "JOE SMITH" with USER_ID greater than 10 to "BOB SMITH"
USER.update({"NAME":"BOB SMITH"}, {"NAME":"='JOE SMITH'", "USER_ID":">10"}, function(err, results){ ... });


// Delete everything with a USER_ID smaller than 5
USER.del({"USER_ID":"<5"}, function(err, results){ ... });


USER.count(function(err, results){ ... });


USER.empty(function(err, results){ ... });


data contains the fields and values of a Unit.


Returns true if the object was modified


Writes the dirty (modified) fields to the database.


Refreshes all fields with fresh values from the database.


Brings all fields back to the state they were in when the Unit was created or after the last sync if sync was called at some point.


In these examples, user55 is a Unit. Suppose they are executed sequentially.

user55.isDirty(); // false = "WILLIAM CAMPBELL";
user55.isDirty(); // true, results){ ... });
user55.isDirty(); // false
console.log(; // "WILLIAM CAMPBELL" = "JAMES SMITH";
user55.isDirty(); // true
console.log(; // "JAMES SMITH"
user55.sync(function(err, results){ ... });
console.log(; // "WILLIAM CAMPBELL"
user55.isDirty(); // false = "JAMES SMITH";
user55.isDirty(); // true
console.log(; // "JAMES SMITH"
user55.reset(function(err, results){ ... });
console.log(; // "WILLIAM CAMPBELL"
user55.isDirty(); // false

user55.del(function(err, results){ ... }); // Deleted from the database
user55.del(function(err, results){ ... }); // Uncaught Exception: 'Unit USER was deleted and doesn't exist anymore'