Database of details on disease causing mutations
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Aim & Objectives:

Creating a database comprising disease-causing mutations in genomic level, corresponding mRNA variants, related protein isoform as a product.

Overall Process plan:

We know that a mutation can be of several types and also it is random. But if a mutation in the gene level causes a change in the corresponding protein (as a change in amino acid residue due to change in triplet codon), then following post-translational modification the protein may function differently or lost its function as compared to its wild type.

Therefore, our idea is to create a database where we will be showing

1.The location of the mutation in the chromosome (as compared to the human genome mapping), the change in nucleotide from the original to the mutated one,

2.The corresponding mRNA variants due to the mutation [Note: Even one gene can form multiple mRNA variants due to the phenomenon called Exon Skipping].

Hence, it will be our target to find the possible mRNA variants from the given genetic mutation. This can be done by using an open web software called 'Mutalyzer'. There is a particular nomenclature called "Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) Nomenclature" that is used to indicate a particular mutation in a chromosome, gene (DNA), mRNA and protein isoform level. Hence our target will be to find all the corresponding variants caused by the mutation and to list them in a table-like manner as we create the database.

List of Disease:

01 Achondroplasia

02 Huntington's disease

03 Marfan syndrome

04 Hereditary spherocytosis

05 Polycystic kidney disease

06 Familial hypercholesterolemia

07 Sickle cell anaemia

08 Cystic fibrosis

09 Tay–Sachs disease

10 Phenylketonuria

11 Galactosemia

12 Haemophilia

13 Duchenne muscular dystrophy

14 hereditary multiple exostoses

15 tuberous sclerosis

16 Von Willebrand disease

17 Albinism

18 Tay–Sachs disease

19 Niemann–Pick disease

20 spinal muscular atrophy

21 Roberts syndrome

22 Rett syndrome

23 Down syndrome

24 Turner syndrome

25 Aicardi syndrome

26 Edward syndrome

Details on each disorders:

Genetic Disorder ChromosomeAffected Gene Involved Type of Mutation Hereditary pattern

Achondroplasia 4 FGFR3 Gene alteration Autosomal Dominant

Huntington's disease 4 HTT Gene alteration Autosomal Dominant

Marfan syndrome 15 FBN1 Gene alteration Autosomal Dominant

Polycystic kidney disease1 16 PKD1 Gene alteration Autosomal Dominant

Polycystic kidney disease2 4 PKD2 Gene alteration Autosomal Dominant

Familial hypercholesterolemia 19 LDLRP1 Gene alteration Autosomal Recessive

Sickle cell anaemia 11 HBB Point mutation Autosomal Recessive

Cystic fibrosis 7 CFTR Gene alteration Autosomal Recessive

Tay–Sachs disease 15 HEXA Gene alteration Autosomal Recessive

Phenylketonuria 12 PAH Gene alteration Autosomal Recessive

Galactosemia 9 GALT Gene alteration Autosomal Recessive

Haemophilia X F8 Gene alteration X-linked Recessive

Duchenne muscular dystrophy X DMD Gene alteration X-linked Recessive

hereditary multiple exostoses 8,11,19 EXT1,EXT2,EXT3 Gene alteration Autosomal Dominant

tuberous sclerosis 9,16 TSC1,TSC2 Gene alteration Autosomal Dominant

Von Willebrand disease 12 VWF Gene alteration Autosomal Dominant

Albinism, oculocutaneous, type II 4 OCA2 Gene alteration Autosomal Recessive

Niemann–Pick disease 14 SMPD1 Gene alteration Autosomal Recessive

spinal muscular atrophy 5 SMN1 Gene alteration Autosomal Recessive

Roberts syndrome 8 ESCO2 Gene alteration Autosomal Recessive

Rett syndrome X MECP2 Gene alteration X-linked dominant

Down syndrome 21 - trisomy Not inherited

Turner syndrome X - Loss of chromosome Not inherited

Aicardi syndrome X unknown Gene alteration X-linked dominan

Edward syndrome 18 - trisomy Autosomal Recessive