Closed JunweiLiang closed 5 years ago
I use boxes after faster-RCNN box regression before NMS.
Minor question: so in Fig.4 of your paper, there shouldn't be an arrow from RPN proposals pointing to RCNN training? What does that arrow mean?
The main reason is to make the figure looks clean without overlapping arrows @weiyc It should come from the Faster R-CNN outputs as stated in Section 4.2.
Thanks. Have you tried using RPN box instead? If you weren't using class-agnostic regressor head then the regression output depends on the Faster RCNN classification output, which I think may negatively affect the Decoupled RCNN performance.
The bounding box regression in Faster R-CNN is class agnostic. That is, all classes shared the same box for each proposal.
Hi, do you use boxes from RPN (so usually is (1000, 4)), or boxes after faster-RCNN box regression (also (1000, 4)), or the final boxes after NMS?