SHI-Labs / Decoupled-Classification-Refinement

Revisiting RCNN: On Awakening the Classification Power of Faster RCNN (ECCV 2018)
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Decoupled Classification Refinement for Object Detection

The is an official implementation of our ECCV2018 paper "Revisiting RCNN: On Awakening the Classification Power of Faster RCNN (" and its extension "Decoupled Classification Refinement: Hard False Positive Suppression for Object Detection (".


Decoupled Classification Refinement is initially described in an ECCV 2018 paper (we call it DCR V1). It is further extended (we call it DCR V2) in a recent tech report. In this extension, we speed the original DCR V1 up by 3x with same accuracy. Unlike DCR V1 which requires a complicated two-stage training, DCR V2 is simpler and can be trained end-to-end.

High level structure of DCR modules.

Detailed DCR V2 module.



This is an official implementation for Decoupled Classification Refinement based on MXNet. It is worth noticing that:


© University of Illinois at Urbnana-Champaign, 2018. Licensed under an MIT license.

Citing DCR

If you find Decoupled Classification Refinement module useful in your research, please consider citing:

author = {Cheng, Bowen and Wei, Yunchao and Shi, Honghui and Feris, Rogerio and Xiong, Jinjun and Huang, Thomas},
title = {Decoupled Classification Refinement: Hard False Positive Suppression for Object Detection},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.04002},
year = {2018}

author = {Cheng, Bowen and Wei, Yunchao and Shi, Honghui and Feris, Rogerio and Xiong, Jinjun and Huang, Thomas},
title = {Revisiting RCNN: On Awakening the Classification Power of Faster RCNN},
booktitle = {The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
month = {September},
year = {2018}

Main Results

For simplicity, all train/val/test-dev refer to COCO2017 train/val and COCO test-dev.

COCO test-dev

training data testing data AP sub>AP@0.5</sub sub>AP@0.75</sub sub>AP@S</sub sub>AP@M</sub sub>AP@L</sub
Faster R-CNN (2fc), ResNet-v1-101 trainval test-dev 30.5 52.2 31.8 9.7 32.3 48.3
+ DCR V1, ResNet-v1-101/152 trainval test-dev 33.9 57.9 35.3 14.0 36.1 50.8
+ DCR V2, ResNet-v1-101 trainval test-dev 34.3 57.7 35.8 13.8 36.7 51.1
D-Faster R-CNN (2fc), ResNet-v1-101 trainval test-dev 35.2 55.1 38.2 14.6 37.4 52.6
+ DCR V1, ResNet-v1-101/152 trainval test-dev 38.1 59.7 41.1 17.9 41.2 54.7
+ DCR V2, ResNet-v1-101 trainval test-dev 38.2 59.7 41.2 17.3 41.7 54.6
FPN, ResNet-v1-101 trainval test-dev 38.8 61.7 42.6 21.9 42.1 49.7
+ DCR V1, ResNet-v1-101/152 trainval test-dev 40.7 64.4 44.6 24.3 43.7 51.9
+ DCR V2, ResNet-v1-101 trainval test-dev 40.8 63.6 44.5 24.3 44.3 52.0
D-FPN, ResNet-v1-101 trainval test-dev 41.7 64.0 45.9 23.7 44.7 53.4
+ DCR V1, ResNet-v1-101/152 trainval test-dev 43.1 66.1 47.3 25.8 45.9 55.3
+ DCR V2, ResNet-v1-101 trainval test-dev 43.5 65.9 47.6 25.8 46.6 55.9

COCO validation

training data testing data AP sub>AP@0.5</sub sub>AP@0.75</sub sub>AP@S</sub sub>AP@M</sub sub>AP@L</sub
Faster R-CNN (2fc), ResNet-v1-101 train val 30.0 50.9 30.9 9.9 33.0 49.1
+ DCR V1, ResNet-v1-101/152 train val 33.1 56.3 34.2 13.8 36.2 51.5
+ DCR V2, ResNet-v1-101 train val 33.6 56.7 34.7 13.5 37.1 52.2
D-Faster R-CNN (2fc), ResNet-v1-101 train val 34.4 53.8 37.2 14.4 37.7 53.1
+ DCR V1, ResNet-v1-101/152 train val 37.2 58.6 39.9 17.3 41.2 55.5
+ DCR V2, ResNet-v1-101 train val 37.5 58.6 40.1 17.2 42.0 55.5
FPN, ResNet-v1-101 train val 38.2 61.1 41.9 21.8 42.3 50.3
+ DCR V1, ResNet-v1-101/152 train val 40.2 63.8 44.0 24.3 43.9 52.6
+ DCR V2, ResNet-v1-101 train val 40.3 62.9 43.7 24.3 44.6 52.7
D-FPN + OHEM, ResNet-v1-101 train val 41.4 63.5 45.3 24.4 45.0 55.1
+ DCR V1, ResNet-v1-101/152 train val 42.6 65.3 46.5 26.4 46.1 56.4
+ DCR V2, ResNet-v1-101 train val 42.8 65.1 46.8 27.1 46.6 56.1

Requirements: Software

  1. MXNet from the offical repository. We tested our code on MXNet version 1.1.0. Due to the rapid development of MXNet, it is recommended to checkout this version if you encounter any issues. We may maintain this repository periodically if MXNet adds important feature in future release.

  2. Python 2.7. We recommend using Anaconda2 as it already includes many common packages. We do not support Python 3 yet, if you want to use Python 3 you need to modify the code to make it work.

  3. Python packages might missing: cython, opencv-python >= 3.2.0, easydict. If pip is set up on your system, those packages should be able to be fetched and installed by running

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. For Windows users, Visual Studio 2015 is needed to compile cython module.

Requirements: Hardware

For experiments without FPN, our models are trained with NVIDIA GTX 1080TI (Required GPU Memory > 10G)
For experiments with FPN, our models are trained with NVIDIA Tesla V100 (Required GPU Memory > 15G)


  1. Clone the Decoupled Classification Refinement repository, and we'll call the directory that you cloned as ${DCR_ROOT}.

    git clone
  2. For Windows users, run cmd .\init.bat. For Linux user, run sh ./ The scripts will build cython module automatically and create some folders.

  3. Install MXNet following this link

Preparation for Training & Testing

  1. Please download COCO2017 trainval datasets (Note: although COCO2014 and COCO2017 has exactly same images, their naming for images are different), and make sure it looks like this:

  2. Please download ImageNet-pretrained ResNet-v1-101 model manually from OneDrive, and put it under folder ./model. Make sure it looks like this:


COCO Models

You can download COCO models via [Google Drive]
To test a model, please follow these steps (take resnet_v1_101_coco_train2017_dcr_end2end.params for example):

  1. move resnet_v1_101_coco_train2017_dcr_end2end.params to ./output/dcr/coco/resnet_v1_101_coco_train2017_dcr_end2end/train2017/rcnn_coco-0008.params
  2. use command python experiments/faster_rcnn_dcr/ --cfg experiments/faster_rcnn_dcr/cfgs/resnet_v1_101_coco_train2017_dcr_end2end.yaml to evaluate


  1. All of our experiment settings (GPU #, dataset, etc.) are kept in yaml config files at folder ./experiments/faster_rcnn_dcr/cfgs, ./experiments/fpn_dcr/cfgs.

  2. Eight config files have been provided so far, namely, Faster R-CNN(2fc) for COCO, Deformable Faster R-CNN(2fc) for COCO, FPN for COCO, Deformable FPN for COCO, respectively and their DCR versions. We use 4 GPUs to train all models on COCO.

  3. To perform experiments, run the python scripts with the corresponding config file as input. For example, to train and test deformable convnets + DCR on COCO with ResNet-v1-101, use the following command

    python experiments/faster_rcnn_dcr/ --cfg experiments/faster_rcnn_dcr/cfgs/resnet_v1_101_coco_trainval_dcn_dcr_end2end.yaml

    A cache folder would be created automatically to save the model and the log under output/dcn_dcr/coco/. (Note: the command above automatically run test after training)
    To only test the model, use command

    python experiments/faster_rcnn_dcr/ --cfg experiments/faster_rcnn_dcr/cfgs/resnet_v1_101_coco_trainval_dcn_dcr_end2end.yaml
  4. Please find more details in config files and in our code.


Code for DCR V1 is under dcr_v1 branch.


Bowen Cheng (bcheng9 AT illinois DOT edu)