SHI-Labs / Decoupled-Classification-Refinement

Revisiting RCNN: On Awakening the Classification Power of Faster RCNN (ECCV 2018)
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How can I add a new batchnorm layer? #6

Open EyreEyre opened 5 years ago

EyreEyre commented 5 years ago

I want to add extra conv + bn+relu layers after dcr, but I donot konw how to init bn layer both in train and use in test, can you give me some examples to show how to do it? Thx.

bowenc0221 commented 5 years ago

Weight initialization in training works like this:

  1. load pre-trained weight and initialize new layers:
  2. where the initialization of extra layers is defined in the symbol:

For BN layers, it has 4 parameters to be initialized:

def init_bn_layer(self, cfg, arg_params, aux_params):
    arg_params['bn_weight'] = mx.random.normal(0, 0.01, shape=self.arg_shape_dict['bn_weight'])
    arg_params['bn_bias'] = mx.nd.zeros(shape=self.arg_shape_dict['bn_bias'])
    aux_params['bn_gamma'] = mx.nd.ones(shape=self.aux_shape_dict['bn_gamma'])
    aux_params['bn_beta'] = mx.nd.zeros(shape=self.aux_shape_dict['bn_beta'])

Note: weight and bias are in arg_params, gamma and beta are in aux_params.

murari023 commented 5 years ago

@bowenc0221 We did initialize as mentioned above. But we are getting error : KeyError 'bn_weight'

murari023 commented 5 years ago

@bowenc0221 We are preparing a new network from scratch and trying to train with faster r-cnn framework. We have initialized all the new layers along with the BatchNorm layers. We are getting this error even after initializing as mention above. Can you help? Thanks

bowenc0221 commented 5 years ago

@murari023 replace 'bn' in 'bn_weight' with the name of your BatchNorm layers