SICGames / TBChestTracker

Automatic chest counter program for the game Total Battle
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 1 forks source link

Requests - Clan insights, #20

Open davveh opened 3 weeks ago

davveh commented 3 weeks ago

Hey again Paul,

Clan insights doesnt seem to show per clan, if you have multiple it shows for all clans. Would be nice if they were separated. Switching between clans seems to require closing and open the application while it looks like there is posibility to change between them.

A FAQ would be nice, maybe something you want help building? I know you've made Youtube videos explaning a lot of the functions in the application. Maybe I can help you write text guides?

SICGames commented 2 weeks ago

clan insights should only be focusing on the clan database you've opened not all clans.

davveh commented 2 weeks ago

OK, so the request basically is:

1) Be able to export more data, or possibly I dont understand how to export all variables.. 2) Specify date and time and be able to export those time restrictions 3) Be able to change chest value and see how it reflects, even on old information rather then setting points when its collected/added to the insights.. 4) A instruction how to add the different chests for them to be calculated correctly. I still havent figured out how to get all the different chests into insights. Only common, rare, epic and a few others, but some is impossible ;)

Lichtbringer-Androgar commented 2 weeks ago

I haven't been much on here for the past 10 days. I'm browsing around now and see what's new. I use the clanchests db file and import it to Excel. This could be a solution for you if you are looking for more detailed data on player performance.