TBChestTracker - Total Battle Chest Tracker
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TotalBattle Chest Tracker was designed to easily track your clan's chest count.
Clan management
* Manage Multiple Clans.
* Choose multiple languages for the OCR to understand.
* Select Region for OCR to extract text from with OCR Wizard.
* OCR detects unknown clan mates and adds them to database.
Clan Insights
* Track clan performance and statistics.
* Future implendation is to allow clans to create goals to achieve.
* Future implendation is to allow simulate what they'd need to do to get higher clan wealth.
* Filter clan insights data by name using Quick Filter feature.
* Filter clan insights data by chest type.
Clanmate Management
* Add clanmates via text file.
* Add clanmates via selection rectangle.
* Clanmate search box filters a clan mate.
* Create clanmate aliases by selecting parent clanmate name then their known aliases. In case OCR misreads their name.
* Remove multiple clanmate names.
Known Issues
- RC 2.4 has a date issue and does not play nicely with Clan Insights depending if you're in German or another country. Will be patched soon.
Are you stuck on something?
Watch the Youtube videos under Total Battle Chest Tracker Troubleshooting.
TotalBattleGuide - Youtube Channel
How to install
- Head over to Releases section and download the latest version installation executable.
Want to contribute?
Head over to Contributions section to contribute to this project.
Launched Program and now what?
- In the Start Up Page, click on New Clan and create your clan.
- Follow the OCR Wizard.
- Begin adding new clan mates.
- If you're using chest points, add chest point values via Clan Chest Requirements window under the Chest Points tab.
- When you're ready to begin the automation process, press F9 to start automation procecss and F10 to stop automation process.
- Everything is saved when creating new clan and when new clanmate is added, in addition when automation is stopped.
- When chest period is done, click on File then click on Export and click on the File textbox. Save it as CSV file. CSV file is used to upload to Google Sheets.