SICGames / TBChestTracker

Automatic chest counter program for the game Total Battle
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 4 forks source link

Feature Suggestions #35

Open SICGames opened 2 months ago

SICGames commented 2 months ago

Enter what you'd like to see in future updates

mohdkhezi commented 2 months ago

Exporting/publishing chests details data per player to ready google sheet template to help all clan members to track their progress.

davveh commented 2 months ago

1) Is it autosaving data? Sometimes I loose a whole scan for some reason.. 2) a explanation of how "requirements" tabs is used... 3) a explanmation how conditions tab is used 4) Explanation/ability to export all chests(and how to add custom chest) from insights together with points into csv/xls file 5) Ability to export console log or that is saves the whole log to a .txt file, easier for troubleshooting things days later when people complain that 100 gifts seems to be gone from their statistics 6) Change order of clans, I create a new one each week now, to save old stats in different clans.. newly created clans is in the bottom.. the order should be with the latest on top when you start the application and have to choose which clan to open. 7) More visibility into statistics maybe? Doubleclick a name in the insights and get that persons data in a new window...? 8) More bug fixes.. Might be a display error, but when scan is running and the last page only have 1 gift.. it still counts to 4 here: TBChestTracker_6J3P11FlNk 9) Look over the different buttons and maybe a confirmation button before deleting. Example trash can on "chest point" data.. 10) In the "Manage clanmates" section, see the merged names somewhere.. undo merging? maybe someone(read davveh) managed to merge the wrong people.. then their whole data is screwed. 11) Fix the "show all" option under filter to actually do something ;)

Thats all I can come up with right now. Thanks Paul!

davveh commented 2 months ago
  1. Possibility to export memberlist
SICGames commented 1 month ago

Good people in BoS clan. Yeah, exporting member list will be beneficial to help migrate to another computer and what not. Keep them coming before 2.0 hits release though guys. At 2.0, I'm taking a long forever break on this project. Once the release is stable enough.

davveh commented 1 month ago

Adding another request, time and date in Console ;) or atleast able to show/hide it ;)

SICGames commented 4 weeks ago

ah, i'll add that in

Truth312 commented 4 weeks ago

Ah. This would be wonderful. Would it log the date and time it was counted or the date and time it was produced? I imagine the later would involve much more to implement.

SICGames commented 4 weeks ago

console? that shows the log info? Yes, it'll show date and time. Possibly the ability to save it to txt file or something.