If you do several analogReads, there are no way to distinguish wich analog port the reading came from.
This should be possible to distinguish, because then it would be possible to provide vissual feedback in the advanced gui easily.
I want to be able to read source pin in this data object:
public final void receiveMessage(byte[] packet){
FixedSizePacket data = JArduinoProtocol.createMessageFromPacket(packet);
If you do several analogReads, there are no way to distinguish wich analog port the reading came from. This should be possible to distinguish, because then it would be possible to provide vissual feedback in the advanced gui easily.
I want to be able to read source pin in this data object:
public final void receiveMessage(byte[] packet){ FixedSizePacket data = JArduinoProtocol.createMessageFromPacket(packet); .... }