SINTEF-9012 / JArduino

Program your Arduino in Java
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installing JArduino firmware problem #46

Closed lobsteroh closed 8 years ago

lobsteroh commented 8 years ago

folks, i am missing something basic during the firmware install. the 2 min tutorial does not match anything i see on my computer. it says ...

Copy the JArduino folder (located in the distribution in org.sintef.jarduino.samples/arduino) into /libraries/

i git cloned the SINTEF-9012/JArduino repository, got build success with mvn clean install. for the life of me, i cannot find the mentioned "JArduino folder". i find a file called 'JArduinoFirmware.pde' at path ~/Documents/GitHub/JArduino/jarduino.core/src/main/arduino/JArduino/examples/JArduinoFirmware/JArduinoFirmware.pde

but nothing matches with the tutorial. has the important stuff been moved around since the tutorial was written? any solution greatly appreciated. setup is for Mega2560, mac osx 10.11.3, newest Arduino nightly, newest jArduino, Eclipse, thanks,

lobsteroh commented 8 years ago

on Mac OSX the folder to copy is


and it goes into


that process could have been a ton easier with accurate tutorial instructions, oh well ...