SINTEF / Splipy

Spline modelling made easy.
GNU General Public License v3.0
100 stars 18 forks source link
analysis geometry isogeometry mathematics splines

.. image:: images/logo_small.svg

====== Splipy

This repository contains the Splipy packages. Splipy is a pure python library for the creation, evaluation and manipulation of B-spline and NURBS geometries. It supports n-variate splines of any dimension, but emphasis is made on the use of curves, surfaces and volumes. The library is designed primarily for analysis use, and therefore allows fine-grained control over many aspects which is not possible to achieve with conventional CAD tools.


The library is packaged on PyPI and can be installed through pip by simply running ::

pip install splipy


==================================== Development and building from source


Splipy uses Poetry as a project management tool. To install poetry, use::

pip install poetry

Poetry is the only tool that must be installed outside of the virtual environment for Splipy. Once installed, run the command::

make install

in the root Splipy directory. This will install Splipy and its dependencies in a virtual environment located in the .venv directory.

You should activate this virtual environment whenever you work on Splipy. The makefile commands do not require it, but it's a good habit::

source .venv/bin/activate

To run the tests::

make test


To install, use::

pip install .

To generate a package (source distribution or wheel), use::

make sdist
make wheel
make build  # both sdist and wheel

Don't upload wheels to PyPI manually. They are built by CI runners whenever a new version is tagged (see below).


To generate the documentation, run::

make doc

To push generated docs online on the gh-pages branch, run the helper script::

python [remote]

where remote is the name of the remote to push to. If not given, it will be asked.


To run the tests, use::

make test

For benchmarks::

make bench


To make a new release, run the bump-my-version command::

bump-my-version --dry-run <part>

Where <part> is the part you want to bump: either major, minor, patch, pre_label or pre_number.

You can also specify the new version directly by using::

bump-my-version --dry-run --new-version <new_version>

Once you are satisfied with the results, run the command without --dry-run. We highly recommend to always use a dry run!

After that, CI should automatically build and deploy the packages to PyPi. It would be helpful to monitor the actions so that errors can be fixed quickly.

========= Citations

If you use Splipy in your work, please consider citing K. A. Johannessen and E. Fonn 2020 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1669 012032 <>_.