SIO-ODF / ctdcal

A CTD calibration package in use on US GO-SHIP cruises
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
9 stars 4 forks source link

PyPI Latest Release PyPI Python Versions Package Status License Code style: black Imports: isort

GH Testing Documentation Status

ctdcal project

The ctdcal project is a library primarily designed to process data from CTD casts and calibrate them against Niskin bottle samples.

In the future, parts of the ctdcal library will be split off into additional packages, such as an "ocean sensors" package with Python implementations of conversion routines for in-situ sensors used for ocean measurement.


ctdcal can be installed using pip:

$ pip install ctdcal

CLI usage

Initialize data folders

Initialize default /data/ folders by running:

$ ctdcal init

(Future versions of ctdcal are planned have more robust init options/flags/etc.)

Import and process data

To process data, copy over raw .hex and .xmlcon files into /data/raw/ and reference data to their appropriate folder (oxygen, reft, salt).

Users can process their data with individual ctdcal functions or try:

$ ctdcal process [--group ODF]

to process using ODF procedures.

Package usage

Explore user settings

Most ctdcal functions get settings from user_settings.yaml and subsequently Call the configuration loader to explore default settings:

from ctdcal import get_ctdcal_config
cfg = get_ctdcal_config()

# directories for I/O purposes

# experiment-specific settings (e.g., expocode, CTD serial number) from user_settings.yaml

# dictionary mapping of short/long column names

As ctdcal continues to be developed, more robust tutorials will be added to our documentation.


BSD 3-clause