SJTU-IPADS / fisslock

A fast and scalable distributed lock service using programmable switches.
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FissLock - Fast and Scalable In-network Lock Service

FissLock is a fast and scalable distributed lock service that exploits the programmable switch to improve latency and peak throughput for managing millions of locks.

Table of Contents


FissLock is a distributed lock service that meets the following design goals:

FissLock achieves the above goals by adopting a novel lock scheme called lock fission. It decouples the grant decision and metadata maintenance phases in lock management in terms of both functionality and metadata. Thereby, FissLock fully exploits the high packet processing power of programmable switches with minimal requirement of switch memory, leading to efficient management of million-scale locks.

More details can be found in our paper: Fast and Scalable In-network Lock Management Using Lock Fission (OSDI'24).

If you intend to use FissLock in your research, please cite our paper:

@inproceedings {osdi2024fisslock,
  author = {Hanze Zhang and Ke Cheng and Rong Chen and Haibo Chen},
  title = {Fast and Scalable In-network Lock Management Using Lock Fission},
  booktitle = {18th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 24)},
  year = {2024},
  address = {Santa Clara, CA},
  publisher = {USENIX Association},
  month = jul,


Hardware Requirements

The on-switch part of FissLock is implemented atop Intel Tofino ASIC using P4 language. While we use a Wedge100BF-32X programmable switch during experiments, other switches equipped with Intel Tofino ASICs are also applicable.

Software Requirements

Barefoot SDE

The SDE is only required on the switch control plane, not on servers.

The development of the switch data plane and control plane relies on Barefoot SDE, a development environment provided by switch manufacturers. The version of the SDE we use is 9.5.2.


By default, FissLock sends and receives packets via DPDK. We use dpdk-21.11.2 during the development of the project. The source code can be downloaded from here.

In the decompressed project source folder, execute:

meson build --prefix=<xxx>
cd build && ninja && ninja install

to configure and build DPDK. <xxx> denotes the installation path, which should typically be .local/ in the user's home directory. You may also run meson build without the --prefix option to install globally, for which sudo is required when installing.

If you have not added .local to environments, add the following lines to your <HOME_PATH>/.bashrc:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/.local/lib:$HOME/.local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
export LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/.local/lib:$HOME/.local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
export CPATH=$HOME/.local/include
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/.local/lib/pkgconfig:$HOME/.local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig

then run source .bashrc.

R2 and rlib

R2 and rlib are utility libraries for high-performance network programming developed by Xingda Wei et al. from IPADS. FissLock uses the coroutine implementation in R2 to host multiple clients on each CPU core.

After cloning the FissLock repository, run:

git submodule update --init --recursive

to download all submodules, including R2 and rlib. Afterwards, enter vendor/r2 , open CMakeLists.txt, and modify




Then execute:

mkdir build && cd build/
cmake .. && make boost && make r2
mv libr2.a ../

to build and install the R2 library.

Configure and Build

Project Structure

├── baseline        # Baselines:
│   ├── NetLock     #     NetLock and SrvLock
│   └── ParLock     #     ParLock
├── experiments     # Scripts for experiments:
│   ├── exec        #     execute or terminate clients
│   ├── fault       #     simulate hardware errors
│   ├── netlock     #     static analysis for NetLock
│   ├── results     #     collect and parse results
│   └── trace_gen   #     generate traces of workloads
├── switch          # Switch-side implementation:
│   ├── control     #     control plane (C++)
│   └── p4          #     data plane (P4)
├── include         # Headers
├── lib             # FissLock library
├── utils           # Utility library
├── tests           # Test drivers and benchmarks
└── vendor          # Dependencies

Server Part

In the project root, run:

make SYSTEM=xxx

to generate the test driver binaries, where xxx is the system name (fisslock, parlock, srvlock, or netlock). Generated binaries are put in the build/ folder.

Switch Part

Before compiling the switch data plane and control plane programs, execute:

cd /path/to/bf-sde-9.5.2
source set_sde.bash

to set up the SDE.

Data plane

Create an empty folder (e.g., fisslock-p4-build), and build the data plane by exeucting the following commands:

cd fisslock-p4-build
bash /path/to/fisslock/switch/ \
     fisslock_decider /path/to/fisslock/switch/p4/switch.p4
make && make install

where /path/to/fisslock denotes the project root path of FissLock.

The "make" process may take a while (~1min), please wait with patience.

Control plane

For convenience, we hardcode the network connection configurations in switch/control/cluster.h. Please edit the file according to the setup of your own cluster.

// Hostname, IP address, MAC address, Connected switch port 
  {"pro0-1", 0x0a000204, 0x1070fd0de230, 24}

The "connected switch port" field in cluster.h can be acquired through bfshell. In the ucli mode of bfshell, pm show -a displays all available ports on the switch, where the D_P column denotes the port serials that are used in cluster.h.

We reuse the configuration and Makefile templates in the SDE to build the control plane. To achieve this, first move the control plane source code to bfrt driver path:

cd $SDE/pkgsrc/bf-drivers/
cp -r /path/to/fisslock/switch/control ./fisslock

Edit the and files in the bf-drivers directory, add fisslock to SUBDIRS and AC_CONFIG_FILES:

# [[]]
# ...
SUBDIRS += fisslock

# [[]]
# ...
# ...
# ])

Then, execute the following commands in the bf-drivers directory:

# Generate configuration scripts

# Generate Makefile
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$SDE_INSTALL/lib/pkgconfig/
./configure --prefix=$SDE_INSTALL --enable-grpc --enable-thrift --host=x86_64-linux-gnu

# Build the control plane
cd fisslock
make && make install

Reproduce Experiment Results

We have automized most experiment procedures to enable push-button experiments. However, the experiment framework needs to be configured according to the specific hardware in the cluster. All scripts for experiments are put in the experiments/ folder. We will introduce the steps to reproduce experiment results in the paper step by step.

Setup the Environment

To set up the experiment environment, first edit the experiments/ script according to the realistic state of your cluster. You also need to edit the cluster-specific part of experiments/ and modify the <hostname> and <nic_id> fields. The <nic_id> indicates the PCI device ID of NICs, which can be queried by lspci | grep "Ethernet controller".

The script needs to be sourced throughout the experiment (run source experiments/ before executing other steps).

Generate Traces

The benchmark traces are generated by programs and scripts in experiments/trace_gen. To generate traces for a specific test, just run:

make -C experiments/trace_gen <testname>_trace

where <testname> denotes the test name, including micro, tatp, tpcc, dynamic, and lkscale. The generated traces reside in $FISSLOCK_TRACE_PATH in

Generate Analysis Results for NetLock (Optional)

This step can be skipped if you do not want to reproduce NetLock's results.

NetLock require static analysis of the workload to determine the size of lock queues on the switch. To generate the analysis results of NetLock's knapsack algorithm, run:

make -C experiments/netlock <testname>_trace

where <testname> denotes the test name, including ycsb, tatp, tpcc, dynamic, and lkscale. The generated results reside in $FISSLOCK_PATH/build/netlock_len_in_switch, $FISSLOCK_PATH/build/netlock_map and $FISSLOCK_PATH/build/netlock_lock_freq.

Synchronize to Worker Machines

Run experiments/ to synchronize all scripts, traces, and binaries to worker machines in the cluster.

Note: Whenever the binaries are re-compiled, or the traces are updated, the experiment/ should be executed to synchronize changes.

Launch the Switch Program

Do not forget to execute source set_sde.bash before this step!

To launch the decider of FissLock, run the following command in $FISSLOCK_PATH:

bash switch/ -p fisslock_decider -s switch/port-setup.bfsh

The decider of FissLock also provides the packet forwarding functionality for ParLock. Thus, when testing ParLock, the switch program is launched in the same way.

To launch the lock switch program of NetLock, run the following command in $FISSLOCK_PATH:

bash switch/ -p <netlock|central_srv>

The lock switch of NetLock also provides the packet forwarding functionality for SrvLock. Thus, when testing SrvLock, the switch program is launched in the same way.

Run the Experiments

We have prepared an automatic script for running all experiments:

experiments/ <system_name> <benchmark> <think_time> <crt_num>

The system_name can be fisslock, parlock, netlock and srvlock. The think_time and crt_num of each benchmark are:

benchmark think_time crt_num
micro-<uh\|rm\|ro>-<zipf\|uni> 0 4
tpcc 10 30
tatp 1 4
dynamic 0 4
lkscale 0 4

This script runs the benchmark on the cluster and collects the results after the experiment finishes.

Process Results

To parse the experiment results and generate source data for plotting, execute:

make -C experiments/results SYSTEM=xxx TEST=xxx

where SYSTEM can be fisslock, parlock, netlock and srvlock, and TEST is the experiment name (e.g., micro-rm-zipf).