VisFly is a versatile quadrotor simulator specialized for visual-based flight. As we all know, because of the high requirement of hardware for rendering the vision, the shortage of data is one significant limitations that hinder the development of intelligent drone. And this simulator is proposed to handle this issue.
Based on habitat-sim, it has almost the highest FPS (1e4Hz, 64*64, RGB, Nvidia RTX 4090) as well as the abundant real-world scenes/objects. The detailed test result could be found in Additionally, it is wrapped following the gym standards, integrated with really flexable interfaces. We hope you can find anything you want to customize your own environment with minor effort as less as possible.
This simulator contains differentiable dynamics modelling,
which is considered as a promising research direction in the future.
We have reserved the interface and will release it in our following research.
Now we have release one hovering task instance in /example
trained via Back-propagation-through-time (BPTT) using differentiable simulation (analytical gradient).
More tasks involves BPTT could be found in this repository, which is one of our following research Amended BPTT.
We will keep updating this project for more usages.
Clone the repository to local.
git clone --recurse-submodule
Open the terminal at the root of the project and run the following command:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Run the following command:
sudo apt-get install libcgal-dev
If you encounter any issues, please refer to the official installation steps on the website of CAGL.
Clone the modified habitat-sim source code:
git clone
cd habitat-sim
Then please follow the steps in Section. Build from Source in habitat-sim installation manual.
Down the dataset from hugging face. This demonstration dataset is created based on Replica. Here you need to register a hugging face acount and export your access token.
cd datasets
git clone
mv VisFly-datasets/spy_datasets spy_datasets # move spy_datasets out of VisFly-datasets folder, it should be root/VisFly/datasets/spy_datasets
This is a simple example to show how to train an agent to fly in cluttered environment.
Create another root folder named "My_Project_Using_VisFly", move VisFly into My_Project_Using_VisFly/
, and move the examples out of VisFly repository.
mkdir My_Project_Using_VisFly
mv VisFly My_Project_Using_VisFly/
mv My_Project_Using_VisFly/VisFly/examples My_Project_Using_VisFly/
cd My_Project_Using_VisFly
Then you can run the following command to train the agent.
# Assume you are in the root of the project
python examples/cluttered_flight/ -t 1
After training, the address of the model will be printed. And you can use the following command to test the model.
python examples/cluttered_flight/ -t 0 -w ppo_1
Then you can find the result in the examples/cluttered_flight/saved/test/
folder as the types of both figures and video.
The figures could be customized by overriding draw()
in the examples/cluttered_flight/
The perspective and position of rendering camera in video could be set via render_settings (line 129)
in examples/cluttered_flight/
If this simulator or any part of this simulator could be helpful, I appreciate it very much when you maybe cite this one:
title={VisFly: An Efficient and Versatile Simulator for Training Vision-based Flight},
author={Fanxing Li and Fangyu Sun and Tianbao Zhang and Danping Zou},
This is a complete definition of the environment of NavigationEnv.
from envs.NavigationEnv import NavigationEnv
import habitat_sim
import torch as th
from utils.type import Normal, Uniform
env = NavigationEnv(
num_scene=1, # num of scenes
num_agent_per_scene=1, # num of agents in each scene
visual=True, # whether to render the camera
# requires_grad=False, # interface for further update
"action_type": "bodyrate", # assert action_type in ["bodyrate", "thrust", "velocity", "position"]
"ori_output_type": "quaternion", # assert ori_output_type in ["quaternion", "euler"]
"dt": 0.0025, # simulation interval
"ctrl_dt": 0.02, # control interval
"integrator": "euler", # assert Integrator in ["euler", "rk4"]
"path": "data/scene_datasets/habitat-test-scenes/skokloster-castle.glb", # datasets path
"scene_type": "glb", # assert scene_type in ["glb", "json"]
# **use render_kwargs only when you need to output the rendered video or image.**
"render_settings": {
"object_path": "datasets/spy_datasets/configs/agents/DJI_Mavic_Mini_2.object_config.json", # drone model path, or replace it with your own
"mode": "fix", # assert mode in ["fix", "follow"]
"view": "custom", # assert view in ["custom", "top", "near", "side", "back] when mode is "fix", ["near", "back"] when mode is "follow"
"resolution": [1080, 1920],
"sensor_type": habitat_sim.SensorType.COLOR, # assert sensor_type in ["COLOR", "DEPTH"]
"position": th.tensor([[7., 6.8, 5.5], [7, 4.8, 4.5]]), # Initial position and focus position of the camera when view is "custom"
"line_width": 6., # line width of all the lines drawn in the image
"axes": False, # whether to draw the axes
"trajectory": True, # whether to draw the trajectory of drones
"sensor_type": habitat_sim.SensorType.DEPTH,
"uuid": "depth", # uuid should include the string of type ["depth", "color", "semantic"]
"resolution": [64, 64],
"position": [0, 0, 0],
"orientation": [0, 0, 0],
# {
# "sensor_type": habitat_sim.SensorType.COLOR,
# "uuid": "color_0",
# "resolution": [64, 64],
# "position": [0, 0, 0],
# "orientation": [0, 0, 0],
# },
# etc.. add more sensors if needed
"noise_kwargs": {
# please refer to the image noise setting in habitat-sim:
"depth": {
"model": "RedwoodDepthNoiseModel",
"kwargs": {}
# "color": {
# "model": "GaussianNoiseModel",
# "kwargs": {}
# },
# "IMU": {
# "model": "GaussianNoiseModel", # assert model in ["GaussianNoiseModel", "UniformNoiseModel"]
# "kwargs": {
# "mean": 0,
# "std": 0.01,
# }
# }
"state_generator": {
"class": "Uniform", # assert in ["Uniform", "Normal", "Union"]
# if this env is a single agent env, the length of state_generator_kwargs should be 1 or equal to num_env or equal to num_env*num_agent_per_env.
"kwargs": [
"position": {"mean": [1., 0., 1.5], "half": [0.0, 2., 1.]},
"orientation": {"mean": [0., 0., 0.], "half": [0., 0., 0.]},
"velocity": {"mean": [0., 0., 0.], "half": [0., 0., 0.]},
"angular_velocity": {"mean": [0., 0., 0.], "half": [0., 0., 0.]},
# etc.. add more state generators if needed, the length of multiple state_generator_kwargs should be equal to num_env.
# Other self-defined variables
target=th.as_tensor([[9, 0., 1]]), # target position
Please refer to the official documentation of habitat-sim: All the scenes used in the demo are created via objects in ReplicaCAD datasets.
We make NavigationEnv
as an example to show how to customize your own environment.
from envs.droneGymEnv import DroneGymEnvsBase
from typing import Dict, Optional
import numpy as np
import torch as th
from gym import spaces
class NavigationEnv(DroneGymEnvsBase):
def __init__(
num_agent_per_scene: int = 1,
num_scene: int = 1,
seed: int = 42,
visual: bool = True,
requires_grad: bool = False,
random_kwargs: dict = {},
dynamics_kwargs: dict = {},
scene_kwargs: dict = {},
sensor_kwargs: list = [],
device: str = "cpu",
target: Optional[th.Tensor] = None,
max_episode_steps: int = 256,
# latent_dim=None,
# latent_dim=latent_dim,
# define new variables. In this example, we define a target position for each agent. = th.ones((self.num_envs, 1)) @ th.tensor([[9, 0., 1]]) if target is None else target
# add observation space. Any new observation should be added here.
self.observation_space["target"] = spaces.Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(3,), dtype=np.float32)
# other variables
self.success_radius = 0.5
# define observation function
def get_observation(
) -> Dict:
# you can pre-process the observation here, like encoding the image using well-trained net or backbone.
# ...
return {
"state": self.sensor_obs["IMU"].cpu().clone().numpy(),
"depth": self.sensor_obs["depth"],
# define success condition
def get_success(self) -> th.Tensor:
return (self.position - <= self.success_radius
# define reward function
def get_reward(self) -> th.Tensor:
base_r = 0.1
pos_factor = -0.1 * 1/9
reward = (
base_r +
(self.position - * pos_factor +
(self.orientation - th.tensor([1, 0, 0, 0])).norm(dim=1) * -0.00001 +
(self.velocity - 0).norm(dim=1) * -0.002 +
(self.angular_velocity - 0).norm(dim=1) * -0.002
+ self._success * (self.max_episode_steps - self._step_count) * base_r
# + 1 / (self.collision_dis + 0.2) * -0.01
return reward
# solely reset each agent
def reset_by_id(self, indices=None, state=None, reset_obs=None):
super().reset_by_id(indices=None, state=None, reset_obs=None)
# if your agent have any new private observation that should be reset. Please add here. provides an example.
# reset all the agents and scenes, noting that here if you have a scene dataset, VisFly will automatically load to other data in this dataset.
def reset(self, state=None, obs=None):
super().reset(state=state, obs=obs)
Except from pose(position, linear_velocity, orientation, angular_velocity), the closest obstacle is also recorded as properties, including self.collision_point
, self.collision_vector
, self.collision_dis
It probably will be helpful to train the capacity of avoiding obstacles.
Once the environment is defined, we could employ a reinforcement learning algorithm to train the agent. Here we directly use the PPO algorithm in the stable-baselines3 (SB3) library. Different from SB3, considering requirement of any innovative attempts, we provide a more flexible interface to customize the policy network.
from stable_baselines3.ppo import PPO
import torch
import utils.policies.extractors as extractors
model = PPO(
# --- Define the Feature Extractor ---
# You can define the feature extractor here of both the actor and the critic by only input features_extractor_class and features_extractor_kwargs.
# assert in ["StateExtractor", "StateTargetExtractor", "StateTargetImageExtractor", "StateImageExtractor", "ImageExtractor", "TargetExtractor"]
"net_arch": {
# Noting that the structure of image extractor is different from the state extractor.
# if use backbone
"depth": { # this name is same with the sensor uuid defined in the environment
"backbone": "resnet18", # assert in ["resnet18", "resnet34", "resnet50", "resnet101", "efficientnet_l", "efficientnet_m", "efficientnet_s", "mobilenet_l", "mobilenet_m", "mobilenet_s"]
"mlp_layer": [128], # the MLP layer after the backbone
# if not use backbone
"channels": [6,12,18], # the channels of each CNN layer
"kernel_size": [5,3,3], # the kernel size of each CNN layer
"padding": [0,0,0], # the padding of each CNN layer
"stride": [1,1,1], # the stride of each CNN layer
"cnn_bn": False, # Whether to use batch normalization in the CNN
"mlp_layer": [128], # the MLP layer after the CNN
"bn": False, # Union[List[Bool], Bool]. The length of list should be equal to the length of net_arch["pi"] if bool.
"ln": False, # All the bn and ln input format are consistent with this one.
"state": {
"mlp_layer": [128, 64],
"bn": False,
"ln": False,
"target": {
"mlp_layer": [128, 64],
"bn": False,
"ln": False,
# "recurrent":{ # reserved interface for recurrent networks
# "class": "GRU",
# "kwargs":{
# "hidden_size": latent_dim,
# }
# }
"activation_fn": torch.nn.ReLU,
share_features_extractor=True, # whether to share the feature extractor between the actor and the critic
# ** If two extractors are different, separately define pi_features_extractor_class, pi_features_extractor_kwargs, **
# ** vf_features_extractor_class, vf_features_extractor_kwargs, while both features_extractor_class and **
# ** features_extractor_kwargs should be None. **
# pi_features_extractor_class = None,
# pi_features_extractor_kwargs = None,
# vf_features_extractor_class = None,
# vf_features_extractor_kwargs = None,
# --- Define the MLP Extractor ---
"pi": [64, 64],
"vf": [64, 64],
"pi_bn": False, # Union[List[Bool], Bool]. The length of list should be equal to the length of net_arch["pi"] if bool.
"vf_bn": False,
"pi_ln": False, # Union[List[Bool], Bool]. The length of list should be equal to the length of net_arch["pi"] if bool.
"vf_ln": False,
# --- Define the Activation Function ---
# --- Define the Optimizer ---
"weight_decay": 1e-5
# etc... other hyperparameters
Assuming that we put forward or just want to try an innovation framework, where five previous actions should be taken into observation.
However, this simulator has not built-in such a feature extractor that takes it as input.
So we need to define a new feature extractor in utils/policies/
. Open this file and add the following script at the end:
from utils.policies.extractors import StateTargetImageExtractor, set_mlp_feature_extractor, set_cnn_feature_extractor
import torch as th
class ActionStateTargetImageExtractor(StateTargetImageExtractor):
def __init__(self, observation_space, net_arch, activation_fn):
assert "action" in observation_space.spaces, "The action space should be included in the observation space."
super(ActionStateTargetImageExtractor, self).__init__(observation_space, net_arch, activation_fn)
def _build(self, observation_space, net_arch, activation_fn):
super()._build(observation_space, net_arch, activation_fn)
_action_features_dim = set_mlp_feature_extractor( # This function will create a
"action", # extractor name
self._features_dim += _action_features_dim
def extract(self, observation) -> th.Tensor:
action_features = self.action_extractor(observation["action"])
super_features = super().extract(observation)
return[super_features, action_features], dim=1)
At this time, we can use this new feature extractor in the policy network. DO NOT forget to create new environment and complement the observation space.
from envs.NavigationEnv import NavigationEnv
# Create a TensorStack to record past actions,
# This class is just an example, which is not verified.
class TensorStack:
def __init__(self, length):
self.length = length
self.xx = []
def push(self, data):
def pop(self):
def output(self):
class Observe_Action_NavigationEnv(NavigationEnv):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Observe_Action_NavigationEnv, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.observation_space["action"] = spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(5, 4), dtype=np.float32) # shape:horizon length 5, action length 4
# save the receding horizon of actions
self._past_actions = TensorStack(5)
def get_observation(self, indices=None):
return {
"state": self.state.cpu().clone().numpy(),
"depth": self.sensor_obs["depth"],
"action": self._past_actions.output,
def step(self, _action, is_test=False):
super().step(_action, is_test)
In the main script, three arguments are frequently used:
-t: 1 for training and 0 for testing.
-w: the address of the loading model.
if t is 1, the model will be loaded as the initail model parameters.
if t is 0, the model will be loaded as the testing model.
-c: the commit information while saving the model, which will be added in the saving address.
If you would like to create another main script, please do not forget to read the origin main script to grasp how these parameters work.
Let's make some regular schedules as examples to introduce more clearly. In first training, the reward curve is not as expected. So we modify the net structure and want to retrain the model. For the convenience of comparison, you can directly use -c arguments to change the saving address.
python examples/cluttered_flight/ -t 1 -c "second_structure"
The training process is monitored using tensorboard, and the trained model will be saved as
Noting that if
exists, the last number in address will improve unless this address will not conflict with any files.
Then, luckily, the reward curve shows an acceptable result. So we want to test the model.
python examples/cluttered_flight/ -t 0 -w "PPO_second_structure_1"
Sometimes the fact implies that it is hard to well train the policy in one step.
That means we need to employ meta learning or curriculum learning which divides the training process into several stages.
First we teach the drone how to stably hover, so we define get_reward()
def get_reward(self) -> th.Tensor:
base_r = 0.1
pos_factor = -0.1 * 1/9
reward = (
base_r +
(self.position - * pos_factor +
(self.orientation - th.tensor([1, 0, 0, 0])).norm(dim=1) * -0.00001 +
(self.velocity - 0).norm(dim=1) * -0.002 +
(self.angular_velocity - 0).norm(dim=1) * -0.002
+ self._success * (self.max_episode_steps - self._step_count) * base_r
return reward
Here, if you do not need the vision input, you can set visual=False
while defining the environment, it accelerates the process significantly.
Run in bash:
python examples/cluttered_flight/ -t 1 -c "first_train"
Now the agent has grasped basic flying skills. Then we train it to fly while avoiding the obstacles.
Change the get_reward()
and use another cluttered scene datasets path:
# in
scene_path = "datasets/spy_datasets/configs/garage_simple_l_medium"
# in
def get_reward(self) -> th.Tensor:
# precise and stable target flight
base_r = 0.1
thrd_perce = th.pi/18
reward = base_r*0 + \
((self.velocity *( - self.position)).sum(dim=1) / (1e-6+( - self.position).norm(dim=1))).clamp_max(10) * 0.01+\
(((self.direction * self.velocity).sum(dim=1) / (1e-6+self.velocity.norm(dim=1)) / 1).clamp(-1., 1.).acos().clamp_min(thrd_perce)-thrd_perce)*-0.01+\
(self.orientation - th.tensor([1, 0, 0, 0])).norm(dim=1) * -0.00001 + \
(self.velocity - 0).norm(dim=1) * -0.002 + \
(self.angular_velocity - 0).norm(dim=1) * -0.002 + \
1 / (self.collision_dis + 0.2) * -0.01 + \
(1-self.collision_dis ).relu() * ((self.collision_vector * (self.velocity - 0)).sum(dim=1) / (1e-6+self.collision_dis)).relu() * -0.005 + \
self._success * (self.max_episode_steps - self._step_count) * base_r * (0.2+0.8/ (1+1*self.velocity.norm(dim=1)))
return reward
Run in bash:
python examples/cluttered_flight/ -t 1 -c "second_train" -w "first_train_1"
The well-trained model will be saved as
At present, you could transfer this model and verify in another simulator or in reality.