SKO85 / SE-Mods

Space Engineers Mod - Nanobot-Build-And-Repair-System - Issue tracking
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SKO's Space Engineers Mods Repository

Welcome to SKO's Space Engineers Mods Repository! This repository is dedicated to hosting a collection of mods created for the game Space Engineers.

Contributing and Proposing Changes

If you'd like to propose fixes or changes to the code, please follow these steps:

  1. Create a new branch named fix/<fix-name> or feature/<feature-name> from the main branch.
  2. Implement and thoroughly test your changes.
  3. Submit a Pull Request and notify SKO to review the modifications.
  4. To ensure a smooth review process, please keep Pull Requests focused on specific fixes or features rather than introducing large changes. This helps maintain a clear and reviewable codebase.

Review and Deployment

All Pull Requests will undergo a review by SKO. Once changes are merged into the main branch, a new version will be deployed on Steam.

Thank you for contributing to SKO's Space Engineers Mods Repository! 🚀