SKO85 / SE-Torch-Plugins

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SKO's Space Engineers Torch Plugins

Welcome to SKO's Space Engineers Torch Plugins repository! This collection of plugins is designed to enhance your Space Engineers experience using the Torch server management software.

Setup referenced assemblies

Run the Setup.bat file to create a link to the Torch installation folder. Modify the contents of the file to match the Torch destination directory. This step is crucial for making the required referenced assemblies available in the C# projects used for the plugins.

Contributing and Proposing Changes

If you'd like to propose fixes or changes to the code, please follow these steps:

  1. Create a new branch named fix/<fix-name> or feature/<feature-name> from the main branch.
  2. Implement and thoroughly test your changes locally.
  3. Submit a Pull Request and notify SKO to review the modifications.
  4. To ensure a smooth review process, please keep Pull Requests focused on specific fixes or features rather than introducing large changes. This helps maintain a clear and reviewable codebase.

Review and Deployment

All Pull Requests will undergo a review by SKO. Once changes are merged into the main branch, a new version will be deployed.

Thank you for contributing! 🚀