A simple pen-paper cipher inspired by OneTimePad and LC4 ciphers
from Lolipop import Lolipop
plainText = 'HELLO'
cipher = Lolipop() # using default key
crypt = cipher.encrypt(plainText) # encryption => {cipher, key}
cipherText = crypt['cipherText']
key = crypt['key']
cipher = Lolipop(key) # Must use the key obtained from encryption
decrypt = cipher.decrypt(cipherText) # decryption => plaintext
# outputs
print('PlainText:', plainText)
print('Crypted:', cipherText)
print('Key: ', key)
print('Decrypted:', decrypt)
Cipher is vulnerable against Plaintext-Ciphertext Pair Cryptanalysis, Please do not use it for sensitive data