SKUndef / octo-zab

Backend/Frontend application to remotely control multiple Zabbix servers (
GNU General Public License v2.0
15 stars 7 forks source link


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This application is a backend/frontend system to remotely control multiple Zabbix servers (

Demo: here



How does it work

Backend is made by a NodeJS server, that operates in order to authenticate Zabbix servers and communicate with APIs they expose. Collected data is then stored on Redis DB, that caches it. Redis keys are monitored by the server in order to send changes back to client frontends whenever they occur. Clients are connected to server through WebSockets.

Docker Container

An easy and fast way to test the application is using our Docker container. Install docker on your machine, pull the image and run it:

docker pull quadrata/octozab
docker run -it -d -p $frontendHostPort:80 -p $backendHostPort:8080 --name="octoZab" quadrata/octozab

where $frontendHostPort and $backendHostPort are ports on your host where you desire that frontend and backend respectively should run. Now you have to configure the container. Attach to it and start necessary services:

docker attach octoZab
service httpd start
service octozab-redis start
service octozab-node start

Modify frontend "/var/www/html/octozab/config.js" with your host url and host backend port you defined above at container run.

IMPORTANT! When we speak about host, it is meant host, not the container. So above with $frontendHostPort and $backendHostPort we were referring to host ports on which are mapped container ports. And with host url in "config.js" we mean the url on which you access your host, not the container.

Then detach from container with Ctrl+P-Ctrl+Q.

That's it! Now you should be able to connect to application browsing at http://yourHostUrl:yourHostFrontendPort/octozab (if you mapped container port 80, webserver one, with port 80 on your host, you can omit the :yourHostFrontendPort url part).


In order to test the application, first step is to install dependencies listed above. Once node, npm, redis-server and redis-cli executables are installed on server, you can start deploying both backend and frontend by cloning repository on webserver root.

If you prefer to deploy backend and frontend on different machines, copy only "backend" folder on backend machine, and the rest of the repository on frontend machine. Then modify in the file "config.js" the backendUrl parameter with backend domain name. Be sure port 8080 is exposed to frontend from backend.

Install NodeJS module dependencies. Move from command-line to backend folder and run following command:

npm install

Frontend is based on ExtJS framework. In order to make the source code work, you have first to install SenchaCmd tool version (link is for Linux 64bit version). Check SenchaCmd dependencies here (Java >=1.7, Ruby >=2.0.0, Compass). Then from command-line move to frontend folder, and give the following commands:

sencha app upgrade
sencha app build

Now run backend services. The simplest way is to open separate shells for Redis DB:

redis-server $backend/redis.conf

and NodeJS server:

node $backend/server.js

where $backend is the path to "backend" folder deployed before.


To see OctoZab in action, it's enough to connect to frontend, based on where you deployed frontend source code. To edit a Zabbix server details (url, user, psw, ...) from related settings, double click on corresponding row and you'll have a row editor right on the line.

If you're not using Docker container and you want to have a production release of it, use the SenchaCmd tool. Move from command-line to frontend folder, and run:

sencha app build

You will find the production release under "$frontend/build/production/OctoZab" ($frontend is the path where frontend is deployed).



GPL v2