SLAM-Hive / slam_hive_web

Main SLAM Hive code with web interface.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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More details see in

Our Demo Website:

1. Deploy in Workstation

Workstation version. You can do some simple mappping running and evaluation.

1. Install Docker

Install Docker and docker-compose:

2. Create derectory

$ cd /
$ mkdir SLAM-Hive
$ cd /SLAM-Hive
$ git clone
$ git clone slam_hive_controller # TO CHANGE

3. Build SLAM algorithm images

We provide some SLAM algorithms Dockerfile and running scripts, here is an example to build an image:

$ cd /SLAM-Hive
$ mkdir slam_hive_algos
$ git clone
$ cd orb-slam2-ros-mono
$ sudo chmod +x
$ ./

You can check whether the image is successfully built as follows:

$ docker images

you can see:

slam-hive-algorithm     orb-slam2-ros-mono      [IMAGE ID]      [CREATED]       [SIZE]

Go go to other directory in /SLAM_Hive/slam_hive_algos/<>and execute the above command to build remaining images. After that you will see the following images:

REPOSITORY             TAG                              IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
slam-hive-evaluation   evo                              0254b6ded2cb   5 weeks ago     1.79GB
slam-hive-algorithm    vins-mono                        de2b13e0fc07   5 weeks ago     2.96GB
slam-hive-algorithm    vins-fusion-mono-imu             9078af9ba64a   7 days ago      3.1GB
slam-hive-algorithm    vins-fusion-stereo               9078af9ba64a   7 days ago      3.1GB
slam-hive-algorithm    vins-fusion-stereo-imu           9078af9ba64a   7 days ago      3.1GB
slam-hive-algorithm    orb-slam2-ros-mono               2f8241d1df9a   6 weeks ago     3.39GB
slam-hive-algorithm    orb-slam2-ros-rgbd               2f8241d1df9a   6 weeks ago     3.39GB
slam-hive-algorithm    orb-slam2-ros-stereo             2f8241d1df9a   6 weeks ago     3.39GB
slam-hive-algorithm    orb-slam3-ros-mono               28c13955a331   9 days ago      4.17GB
slam-hive-algorithm    orb-slam3-ros-mono-inertial      28c13955a331   9 days ago      4.17GB
slam-hive-algorithm    orb-slam3-ros-stereo             28c13955a331   9 days ago      4.17GB
slam-hive-algorithm    orb-slam3-ros-stereo-inertial    28c13955a331   9 days ago      4.17GB
slam-hive-algorithm    orb-slam3-ros-rgbd               28c13955a331   9 days ago      4.17GB
slam-hive-algorithm    lio-sam                          99b1395a3b41   9 days ago      3.15GB

If the image construction speed is very slow, it is recommended to find the Dockerfile in the corresponding folder and change the source list: /etc/apt/sources.list

maybe upload the image.tar to a open repository.

4. Download datasets

If there is not enough space on your computer, run the following command to download two datasets: MH_01_easy.bag (2.7G), rgbd_dataset_freiburg2_desk.bag (2.2 GB).

$ cd SLAM_Hive
$ git clone
$ python3

We also provide download script for other datasets: SLAM_Hive/slam_hive_datasets/ Please modify the script to download the dataset according to your needs.

5. Build web

$ cd /SLAM-Hive
$ git clone

Before build, you should change some configurations in some files.

$ cd /SLAM-Hive/slam_hive_web/SLAM_Hive/slamhive

# set: app.config['CURRENT_VERSION'] = 'workstation'
# set HOST = 'mysql_ip' # version: workstation; view-only
$ cd SLAM_Hive/slam_hive_web
$ sudo chmod -R 777 db/data
$ docker-compose up

Then,open your browser and visit:

We default to mounting the path in the image to a local path, which facilitates secondary development of the code. You can also first build an image of slam hive web locally, and then use the local image directly at startup.

6. Create tasks

Ensure you have installed correspoding images and downloaded the dataset before creating tasks.

6.1 Create mapping tasks

Take orb-slam2-ros-mono and MH_01_easy as an example: (please make sure the above steps are successful)

Step1: Click the "Copy" button of the first config in the MappingTaskConfig list.

Step2: Give this config a name and fill in the description.

Step3: Change some parameter values according to the actual situation, then click the "Save" button and return to the MappingTaskConfig list, click the "Create MappingTask" button, then a mapping task will be generated in the background, and when the task is completed, the status of this mapping task will change to " Finished” on MappingTask list.

You can also create a mapping task from scratch by clicking "Create Config".

6.2 Create evaluation tasks

When the mapping task is completed, the "Evaluate" button will appear in the MappingTask list. Click it to start the evaluation. After the evaluation is completed, the status of the Evaluation list will become "Finished". Click "Show" to see the evaluation results.

6.3 Extending Algorithms, Datasets, parameters

We provide some algorithms, datasets, and parameters supported by SLAM Hive on the web. For new additions, refer to the following tutorials.

6.3.1 Create your own algorithm

Step1: Write execution scripts

Algorithm execution scripts include three file. You can create them refer to scripts in /SLAM_Hive/slam_hive_algos/<>/slamhive/. The functions of each script are as described below. Script Description
Docker image Build your algorithm Docker image, the image name must be: slam-hive-algorithm:[tag]. The name of your algorithm scripts folder must be the same as the image tag name.
template.yaml This is the parameters template. Each mapping will generate a mappingtask.yamlparameter file based on template and the parameters input on the web. The template format is like cx: $cx . (Don't ignore the space in between) The script first extracts the value of the configuration file generated by the web, generates mappingtask.yaml and remap command strings, then executes the corresponding algorithm running command, and finally saves the estimated trajectory to the specified directory.
(optional) launch file The launch file is optional, used to start the ROS node, set the configuration file path, and be responsible for the remap of the algorithm topic.

Step2: Add algorithm to web

Click the "New" button on the Algorithm page, input the algorithm name, the name must be the same as the tag name of the image. Input your algorithm scripts url and description.

6.3.2 Create new dataset

Step1: Provide your dataset and a script

File Description
ROS bag Provide dataset in the form of ROS bag.
groundtruth.txt The groundtruth format must be: tx ty tz qx qy qz qw This script generates the command of playing and remapping topics of the ROS bag. For details, please refer to SLAM_Hive/slam_hive_datasets/<>/

Step2: Add dataset to web

Input dataset folder name, which must be the same as the name of dataset folder. Input dataset download url and description.

6.3.3 Create parameters

1.Format type declaration

(Don't omit space in between) Type Format
Dataset This is the parameter type related to dataset, the format should follow:
name1: value1
name2: value2
Dataset matrix If the dataset parameter is a matrix, choose this type, the format should follow:
name: [value1, value2, ...]
Dataset remap If there is a need for ROS bag topic remap, please choose this type:
name1: topic1
name2: topic2
Algorithm This is the parameter type related to algorithm, the format should follow:
name1: value1
name2: value2
Algorithm remap If there is a need for algorithm remap,please choose this type:
name1: topic1
name2: topic2

2.Add parameters to web

Fristly, add parameters on Parameter page, click "New", input parameter name, select the type according to the table above and fill in the description. Then, when you create MappingTaskConfig, choose the parameter you added in the previous step and input the value according to the format corresponding to the type.

7. Create Custom Analysis Task

When you have created some mapping and evaluation tasks, you can select some of them to make custom analysis task.

2. Deploy in Cluster

1. Install Docker

Install Docker and docker-compose:

2. Install and deploy the Kubernetes

If you have deployed Kubernetes in your cluster, can skip 2.1 We select kubernetes v1.21.3

2.1 configure both in master node and work nodes

# 1. close firewall
$ sudo apt install -y ufw
$ sudo ufw disable

# 2. close selinux
$ sudo apt install -y selinux-utils
$ setenforce 0

# 3. disable swap partitions
$ swapoff -a
$ sudo vim /etc/fstab # then comment out the "swap" line.

# 4. login root
$ su root

# 5. configure iptables
$ cat > /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf <<EOF
$ net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1
$ net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1
$ sysctl --system

# 6. configure Kubernetes resource
$ curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
$ echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
$ apt-get update

# 7. install nfs
$ apt-get install nfs-common

# 8. install Kubernetes components
$ apt install -y kubelet=1.21.3-00 kubeadm=1.21.3-00 kubectl=1.21.3-00

# 9. start kubelet and set kubelet to boot
$ systemctl enable kubelet
$ systemctl start kubelet

2.2 configure in master node (build Kubernetes cluster)

create a shell script and write follow content into it, and then execute it.

for imageName in ${images[@]} ; do
  docker pull${imageName}
  docker tag${imageName}${imageName}
  docker rmi${imageName}
docker pull coredns/coredns:1.8.0
docker tag coredns/coredns:1.8.0
docker rmi coredns/coredns:1.8.0
# 1. Initialize master
$ kubeadm init  --pod-network-cidr=  --service-cidr= # remember the output
$ kubeadm token create --ttl 0 --print-join-command # If forget last command

# 2. configure kubectl
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
$ sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
$ sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

# 3. network plug-in flannel
$ sudo kubectl apply -f
# If download slowly, you can create a kube-flannel.yml locally and copy the content to the yml file, and then execute: `sudo kubectl apply -f kube-flannel.yml`

# 4. other steps
# For the file: `/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml` and `/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml`, comment out the line that contains "– port=0"
# Then:
$ syatemctl restart kubelet.service

2.3 configure in work node (join work nodes into the master's cluster)

input the command getting at 2.2.1.

If you want to use kubectl in work nodes: copy the /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf from master node to the same directory of the work nodes.

3. Create Root Directory

same as Workstation version.

4. Build SLAM algorithm images

same as Workstation version.

5. Download datasets

same as Workstation version.

6. Build Web

6.1 slam_hive_controller configure

You need to fill the basic information in the configuration file.

$ cd /SLAM-Hive/slam_hive_controller/Module_B/project/
# fill information based on your cluster.

And then build the cluster controller docker image:

cd /SLAM-Hive/slam_hive_controller/Module_B
docker build -t module_b:[xxx]

6.2 pull the slam_hive_web

$ cd /SLAM-Hive
$ git clone

And you should input the module_b name in file: /SLAM-Hive/slam_hive_web/SLAM_Hive/slamhive/

# app.config['CLUSTER_CONTROLLER_IMAGE_NAME'] = "[xxx]"

6.3 cadvisor configure

You need to run a monitor tool: cadvisor in every work nodes.

$ cd /SLAM-Hive/slam_hive_web/
$ vim cadvisor_pod.yaml
# change the spec.nodeName to your work node's name.
$ kubectl apply -f cadvisor_pod.yaml

6.4 slam_hive_web configure

$ cd /SLAM-Hive/slam_hive_web/
$ vim slam_hive_pod.yaml
# change the spec.nodeName to your master node's name.

$ cd /SLAM-Hive/slam_hive_web/SLAM_Hive/slamhive
$ vim
# set: HOST = 'localhost'

$ vim
# set: app.config['CURRENT_VERSION'] = 'cluster'

6.5 build slam-hive-web:xxx docker image

$ cd /SLAM-Hive/slam_hive_web
$ docker build -t slam-hive-web:tag_name .
# You can specify the tag_name
$ vim slam_hive_pod.yaml
# set spec.containers[slam-hive-web-kube].image = slam-hive-web:tag_name

6.5 start slam_hive_web

$ cd SLAM_Hive/slam_hive_web
$ sudo chmod -R 777 db/data
$ sudo kubectl apply -f slam_hive_pod.yaml

6.6 View Website

$ sudo kubectl get all -o wide # get the IP of the web

Then,open your browser and visit: http://IP:5000

3. Deploy in Aliyun

1. Configure the Aliyun

Firstly, you should have a Aliyun account and get your ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET.

2. Configure master node

You should have a Aliyun instance as the master node. To configure the master node, you can see 2. Deploy in Cluster

3. Build web

We assume that you have finished configuring the environment and creating the directory.

In Master node:

$ cd /SLAM-Hive/slam_hive_web
$ vim slam_hive_pod.yaml
# change the spec.nodeName to your master node's name.

$ cd /SLAM-Hive/slam_hive_web/SLAM_Hive/slamhive
$ vim
# set: HOST = 'localhost'

$ vim
# set: app.config['CURRENT_VERSION'] = 'aliyun'
# set: app.config['MASTER_REGION'] = `Region where your master node are at`
# set: app.config['MASTER_IP'] = `Master node pubic network IP`
# set: app.config['work_node_image_id'] = "work node initialize image"
# TODO 需要设置一下共享镜像
# set: app.config['MASTER_INNER_IP'] = "Master node inner IP"

$ kubeadm token create --ttl 0 --print-join-command
# set: app.config["kubernetes_join_command"] = `join command`
$ cd SLAM_Hive/slam_hive_web
$ sudo chmod -R 777 db/data
$ sudo kubectl apply -f slam_hive_pod.yaml

Then enter the slam_hive_web container to set the ALIBABA environment variable.

$ source ~/.bashrc

Then,open your browser and visit: http://IP:5000

4. how to create task

Same as workstation version, except you should input the aliyun server configuration.

7. Licence

The source code is released under GPLv3 license.

We are still working on improving the code reliability. For any technical issues, you can make an issue.