SLUGSoc / website-old

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Photo gallery #20

Open boardfish opened 6 years ago

boardfish commented 6 years ago

Taken straight from Facebook if possible.

boardfish commented 6 years ago

It'd be nice to have this hosted on the site but it's not possible to automate with static site generation.

Gregregorovich commented 6 years ago

Would be nice if this opened in a new tab as it is a link to facebook, so can't link back to the website.

robjtede commented 6 years ago

@Gregregorovich this practice isn't as advisable as it seems. Simply having it be marked as an external link (as it is) and letting the use decide if a new tab is wanted it good. Browsers have back buttons ;)

Gregregorovich commented 6 years ago

Cool. This is why I didn't reopen this issue.

guruthree commented 6 years ago

Might it be a good idea to add a new window glyph to make it more obvious?

Or somehow otherwise have some other demarkation in the navigation menu between internal/external links? It feels like a bit of a trap to go from all internal on navigation to a suddenly external link. Or maybe simply a click through page warning you're leaving the site?

robjtede commented 6 years ago

I'm in favor of the external link indicator. Pretty universally understood and doesn't add a step for users.