SLUGSoc / website-old

3 stars 1 forks source link

SLUGSoc Website The Second



Ensure Docker is configured, and navigate to the directory this repository has cloned into.

docker build -t slugs-site:latest .
# Only the below should need to be run from then on, unless the Dockerfile has changed.
docker run -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app --rm slugs-site:latest

This installs all dependencies using yarn (JS) and bundler (Jekyll/Ruby), then builds the site after moving the yarn packages to a vendor folder.

From there, the site is static and can be hosted from _site. To see this in action quickly, try running python -m http.server in the _site directory once you've built the site using the above commands. Use a web server such as nginx or Apache to host the site's contents in production.

Due to the use of the yarn pipeline for ease of updating JS dependencies, it can't be hosted on GitHub Pages, to my knowledge.
