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Scalpel: The Python Static Analysis Framework
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sphinx project setup #70

Closed tristanlatr closed 1 year ago

tristanlatr commented 1 year ago

This PR is a work in progress. API docs are still missing and stuff is broken at some places.

tristanlatr commented 1 year ago

This PR does not include the tooling to generated the documentation at every push. It can be done later. To generate the documentation locally, install tox and run tox -e docs, then run

python3 -m http.server -d ./build/docs/en

to serve your docs at http://localhost:8000/.

The documentation include the API docs as well and links from guides to the API docs are made at the end of each file.

tristanlatr commented 1 year ago

Can you explain to me what’s the next step with these changes ?

Jarvx commented 1 year ago

@tristanlatr I really like the idea that separating the docs and code repos as you mentioned . I have created a new repo for readthedocs at. and I will push the htmls to the new repo very soon.

Thank you very much for your contribution. Meanwhile, if you have other suggestions, please feel free to share.

I am planning for new functionalities and API for the next stage of development at the moment, so really glad to hear from you.

tristanlatr commented 1 year ago

The documentation should live in the same repository, it’s like a common practice. Also it makes things more easier if you want to have both the api docs and the user guides at the same place. I’m not sure to understand what’s going on with this PR?

tristanlatr commented 1 year ago

We can setup the repository on readthedocs even if the « scalpel » has already been taken, then it’s not necessary to have another repository for the documentation

Jarvx commented 1 year ago

Thanks for clarifying. I just want to make things easier. Honestly, I am not good at dealing with documentation applications. I simply followed readthedocs template. I will see what to do next to setup up a doc site.

But for sure, I will generate the docs and push to /doc first (might tmr!).

Sorry, I am really busy this week, but let's keep all discussions here until everything is set up.

tristanlatr commented 1 year ago

Thanks for clarifying. I just want to make things easier. Honestly, I am not good at dealing with documentation applications

I am good at setting up project documentation. So you can trust me when I said that the docs folder is not the place to store the html files, it’s the place to store the source of the Sphinx site. The html files should be hosted on a separate branch or completely somewhere else.

Jarvx commented 1 year ago

Okay, will do it next and will let you know when finished! Thanks.

tristanlatr commented 1 year ago

Okay, will do it next and will let you know when finished! Thanks.

to be clear, the next step should be to create a account at, create a new project named whatever you like (not scalpel because it’s already taken), import that repository to this project, setup the webhook on the repository settings, and that’s it, finished.

tristanlatr commented 1 year ago

Oh and there is something with adding the readthedocs.yml file at the root of the repository as well.