SMAT-Lab / Scalpel

Scalpel: The Python Static Analysis Framework
Apache License 2.0
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analysis python software-engineering static-analysis

Scalpel: The Python Static Analysis Framework

Documentation Status

Scalpel is a Python Static Analysis Framework. It provides essential program analysis functions for facilitating the implementation of client applications focusing on statically resolving dedicated problems.


Install Scalpel using pip with the following command

pip install python-scalpel


We will highly appreciate it if you can contribute to this project. Please feel free to do so by submitting issue reports or directly adding pull requests. We hope to obtain help for:

  1. New features. If you believe your publication/open-source project can be part of our framework, please contact us.
  2. Bug reports.
  3. Documentation.
  4. Code refactoring.

Brief Introduction

Detailed user guides can be found at

We aim to provide Scalpel as a generic Python static analysis framework that includes as many functions as possible (e.g., to easily build inter-function control-flow graph, to interpret the import relationship of different Python modules, etc.) towards facilitating developers to implement their dedicated problem-focused static analyzers. The following figure depicts the current architecture of its design.

Scalpel Design

API Documentation

The Scalpel's API documentation is available at

We release Scalpel source code in the hope of benefiting others. You are kindly asked to acknowledge the usage of the tool by citing the following article:

title={Scalpel: The Python Static Analysis Framework},
author={Li, Li and Wang, Jiawei and Quan, Haowei},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.11840},

Scalpel is invited to be presented at EuroPython 2022. EuroPython is the oldest and longest-running volunteer-led Python programming conference on the planet!


This project has been inspired by many existing works. If you think your work appears in this project but has not been mentioned yet, please let us know by any means.

  1. Fuzzingbook by Andreas Zeller, Rahul Gopinath, Marcel Böhme, Gordon Fraser, and Christian Holler.
  2. Debugging book by Andreas Zeller.
  3. StaticCFG.
  4. PyCG: Practical Call Graph Generation in Python, ICSE 2021.
  5. A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm Keith D. Cooper, Timothy J. Harvey, and Ken Kennedy
  6. COS598C Advanced Compilers, Princeton University
  7. Restoring Execution Environments of Jupyter Notebooks
  8. Static Single Assignment Book

Key functionalities