SMByC / CCD-Plugin

The CCD-Plugin uses Google Earth Engine to get Landsat or Sentinel2 datasets and run the Continuous Change Detection (CCDC) algorithm to analyze the trends and breakpoints of change over multi-year time series at a given coordinate.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ccdc google-earth-engine landsat qgis-plugin remote-sensing time-series


The CCD-Plugin uses Google Earth Engine to get Landsat or Sentinel2 datasets and run the Continuous Change Detection (CCDC) algorithm to analyze the trends and breakpoints of change over multi-year time series at a given coordinate.

The plugin uses Google Earth Engine (GEE) to retrieve data for the specified coordinates for all available Landsat satellites, including 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9, from Collections 1 or 2, or Harmonized Sentinel-2 collection. It filters for high-quality data only. Then plugin run over Google Earth Engine the Continuous Change Detection algorithm to find temporal breakpoints of the image collection by iteratively fitting harmonic functions to the data.

Availability of dataset collections (GEE)

Time series / change detection

The sub-datasets to visualize and compute the CCDC algorithm and its breakpoints are:



The plugin needs to work:

Known issues

Qgis with QT > 5.15: The plugin won't work without WebKit module, deprecated after QT >= 5.16. We recommend installing Qgis with the QT WebKit module (by default in Windows and Mac packages), other systems like Linux with QT > 5.15 without QT WebKit module by default install python QtWebKit module (e.g. python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit or python-pyqt5-webkit) or use alternative installation of Qgis (e.g. using conda).

Download plot as a png: It is not working inside the plugin, but it works when the plot is opened in a web browser

Linux with Wayland: The functionality of open the current plot in a web browser may not work propertly

About us

CCD-Plugin was developing, designed and implemented by the Group of Forest and Carbon Monitoring System (SMByC), operated by the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) - Colombia.

Author and developer: Xavier C. Llano
Collaborator and co-developer: Daniel Moraes
Theoretical support, tester and product verification: SMByC-PDI group


CCD-Plugin is a free/libre software and is licensed under the GNU General Public License.