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1. Background and Objectives

Our research team has developed an algorithm that is over 400 times faster than the previous state-of-the-art algorithms for the subgraph query processing problem. We presented this algorithm at SIGMOD, which is one of the top computer science conferences. As a result of this research, we have received inquiries and requests for code sharing from researchers at prestigious universities overseas. Additionally, a startup in the field of drug development, Inc. AIgenDrug, has also requested code sharing.

Therefore, the goal of this project is to refine the source code of VEQ, which is the world's top-performing algorithm for the subgraph query processing and subgraph matching, and make it publicly available as a library for more convenient use.

2. Development Environment and Programming Language

Programming Language:

Development Environment:

3. System Configuration and Architecture

This project includes headers inside the include directory, main.cpp inside the src directory, and other graph files and test data. VEQ.h provides the core algorithm of the project, config.h contains necessary settings for program execution, memory.h, structure.h, and util.h are responsible for memory allocation, data structure declarations, and declaration of other inline functions in preprocessing stages. graph.h contains the data structure forms for graphs and candidate spaces.

During program execution and testing, necessary functionalities are provided by run.h and compare.h. The figure below illustrates the essential steps of the algorithm.

Figure 1. ProcessQuery execution process in main and associated header file structure

4. Key Features of the Project

The VEQ algorithm utilizes static equivalence, dynamic equivalence, and neighbor-safety to significantly enhance query processing performance and enable efficient search on large-scale data graphs.

4.1. Subgraph Query Processing Problem

The subgraph query processing problem involves finding all data graphs that contain subgraphs isomorphic to a given query graph among multiple data graphs and one query graph. For example, in Figure 2, given a set of data graphs $D={G_1, G_2}$ and a query graph $q$, $G_1$ contains a subgraph isomorphic to $q$, but $G_2$ does not. Therefore, the answer is ${G_1}$.

Example of Subgraph Query Processing Problem
Figure 2. Example of the Subgraph Query Processing Problem

4.2. Overview of the VEQ Algorithm

VEQ [1, 2] follows the filtering-verification approach and consists of three stages: (1) Building a query DAG, (2) Building Candidate Space (CS), and (3) Matching.

4.2.1. Building a query DAG

In this stage, a query DAG $q_d$ is created by assigning directions to edges of the query graph $q$. The vertex in $q$ with an infrequent label and a large degree is selected as the root, and a breadth-first search is performed starting from the root. During this process, neighbor equivalence classes are found for every vertex with degree 1, and vertices belonging to the same neighbor equivalence class are merged into one vertex.

4.2.2. CS Construction Stage

For each data graph and query graph, an auxiliary data structure called CS is constructed. CS consists of candidate sets $C(u)$ for each vertex $u$ in the query graph and edges between vertices in the candidate vertex set. While DAF, a previous subgraph isomorphism algorithm, proposed CS [3], VEQ reduces the candidate set size using neighbor safety (Figure 3). If the candidate set for a vertex in the query graph is empty, there is no isomorphic subgraph to the query graph. Therefore, the algorithm proceeds to the next data graph. If not, the algorithm moves on to the exploration stage.

Reducing Candidate Sets
Figure 3. Reducing Candidate Sets

4.2.3. Exploration Stage

For each data graph's CS, the algorithm checks if an isomorphic subgraph to the query graph exists. Each vertex $u$ in the query graph is mapped to vertices in $C(u)$, and during this process, techniques such as failing sets and dynamic equivalence are used to eliminate duplicate subgraphs. If at least one isomorphic subgraph to the query graph is found for a data graph, it is added to the answer set, and the algorithm proceeds to the next data graph.

The project repository supports extensive experiments on well-known real datasets using various tests and test data. It confirms that the algorithm outperforms existing algorithms in multiple aspects.

Additionally, continuous integration (CI) is used to execute scripts that check if the program correctly reads graphs, providing automated testing for this script, enhancing stability and reliability.

5. How to run

Compile and make an executable binary


Run VEQs and VEQm

./VEQ_S -dg [data graph file] -qg [query graph file] -o [output file]
./VEQ_M -dg [data graph file] -qg [query graph file]


./VEQ_S -dg graph/search/data/COLLAB.gfu -qg graph/search/query/COLLAB/bfs/8/q0.gfu
./VEQ_M -dg graph/matching/data/yeast.gfu -qg graph/matching/query/yeast/sparse/50/q0.gfu

Run VEQs and VEQm using example data and query

make runs
make runm

Run tests

make test

Remove all binaries and object files

make clean

6. Library Build and Python Binding

6.1. Requirements

6.2. Building the library

Build the library


Alternatively, the library can also be built using the following method.

cd libVEQ
cd ..

Through the provided run function within the library, the same functionality as the VEQ_S binary can be tested. This feature is available in libVEQ/, and its usage is identical to VEQ_S. Below is an example execution command.

python3 libVEQ/ -dg graph/data/COLLAB.gfu -qg graph/query/COLLAB/randomwalk/8/q30.gfu

7. Expected Impact and Application Areas

Currently, big data is being generated at a rapid pace, and services utilizing this data are advancing significantly. The generation and analysis of graph big data are also becoming active, leading to an increasing demand for efficient algorithms for large-scale graph problems. The technology developed in this project can be used for tasks such as searching for specific patterns in big data graphs and aiding in drug development. This graph analysis technology is expected to facilitate toxicological analysis, a crucial step in drug development. In fact, the startup Inc. AIgenDrug has successfully utilized the technology from this project to quickly address toxicity analysis of compound data.

8. References

[1] H. Kim, Y. Choi, K. Park, X. Lin, S.-H. Hong, and W.-S. Han. 2021. Versatile equivalences: Speeding up subgraph query processing and subgraph matching. In Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD.

[2] H. Kim, Y. Choi, K. Park, X. Lin, S.-H. Hong, and W.-S. Han. 2023. Fast subgraph query processing and subgraph matching via static and dynamic equivalences. The VLDB Journal, 32.

[3] M. Han, H. Kim, G. Gu, K. Park, and W.-S. Han. 2019. Efficient subgraph matching: Harmonizing dynamic programming, adaptive matching order, and failing set together. In Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD.