Website of the SORSE20 conference
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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SORSE Website repository

This repository contains the source code for the Series of Online Research Software Events (SORSE). It is based on the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll theme and hosted with Github Pages. The static website is build automatically on Github but you can also build it locally.

The documentation how to contribute is in the Wiki of this repository. There you find, how to add new members, new national chapters, how to assign someone to a specific team, etc.

How to contribute

Unless you know exactly what you are doing, please always

New to GitHub? Don't worry, you'll figure it out fast and it's no problem if it does not immediately work. If you have a problem, ask in slack or create an issue. You should have a look into the Projects tab (see above), that gives you an overview on the current tasks.

Important facts

Local installation

As we cannot host one version of this site with GitHub Pages (generated from the master branch), you should build the website locally and test the implemented changes (or the reviewer in the pull request does it, this is fine as well). To build this site locally, you need to use the command line:

  1. Install ruby for your platform
  2. Install bundle via gem install bundler
  3. cd to the clone of this repository
  4. Run bundle install
  5. Serve the site locally via bundle exec jekyll serve
  6. Visit the site in the browser via http://localhost:4000

Preview the Site on CircleCI

We use CircleCI to preview the site for pull requests, and this is controlled by the files in the .circleci folder. To use CircleCI, you will need to make sure you are logged in to the service and following the repository. When you select a build associated with a pull request, click on the "Artifacts" tab, and select a static file to open and preview in your browser.

Testing the installation

We use the html-proofer to test for broken links, etc. To run the tests locally, you need to install it (see Local installation) and run the tests via executing bundle exec rake


The contents of the SORSE website and its source code repository is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0). See the LICENSE file for more details.

Copyright (c) 2020, the SORSE committee.

The original software for creating this website, the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll Theme, is distributed under the MIT license, see

The MIT license also applies for the _includes and _layouts folder in this repository.

The [academicons][ci/academicons.ttf] font is redistributed from the latex package academicons, which has been published under the SIL Open Font License.