Simulation Package for Ab-initio Real-space Calculations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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aimd boundary-conditions density-functional-theory dft-calculations easy-install electronic-structure finite-difference-method hpc kohn-sham large-scale machine-learned-potential massively-parallel portable real-space structural-optimization

SPARC installation and usage

(1) Brief:

SPARC is an open-source software package for the accurate, effcient, and scalable solution of the Kohn-Sham density functional theory (DFT) problem. The main features of SPARC currently include

SPARC is straightforward to install, use, and modify, with minimal external library dependencies. It has shown to be an order of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art planewave codes, with a range of exchange-correlation functionals, and with increasing advantages as the number of processors is increased. In particular, SPARC efficiently scales to thousands of processors in regular operation, bringing solution times down to about a minute for systems with O(500-1000) atoms, and a few seconds for O(100-500) atoms. Using the O(N) SQ method, SPARC has been scaled to system sizes of over a million atoms (

(2) Installation:

Prerequisite: C compiler, MPI.

There are several options to compile SPARC, depending on the available external libraries.

Once compilation is done, a binary named sparc will be created in the lib/ directory.

Pre-compiled sparc package can be installed on x86_64 or aarch64 Linux platforms using anaconda or miniconda. The binary is compiled with OpenBLAS and OpenMPI and flags USE_MKL=0 USE_SCALAPACK=1 USE_FFTW=1.

(3) Input files:

The required input files to run a simulation with SPARC are (with shared names)

(a) ".inpt" -- User options and parameters.

(b) ".ion" -- Atomic information.

It is required that the ".inpt" and ".ion" files are located in the same directory and share the same name. A detailed description of the input options is provided in the documentation located in doc/. Examples of input files can be found in the SPARC/tests directory .

In addition, SPARC requires pseudopotential files of psp8 format which can be generated by D. R. Hamann's open-source pseudopotential code ONCVPSP. The SPMS table of soft and transferable pseudopotentials is provided within the package. For access to more pseudopotentials, the user is referred to pseudoDOJO ONCV potentials and the SG15 ONCV potentials. Note that using the ONCVPSP input files included in the SG15 ONCV potentials, one can easily convert the SG15 ONCV potentials from upf format to psp8 format. Paths to the pseudopotential files are specified in the ".ion" file.

(4) Execution:

SPARC can be executed in parallel using the mpirun command. Sample PBS script files are available in "SPARC/tests" folder. It is required that the ".inpt" and ".ion" files are located in the same directory and share the same name. For example, to run a simulation with 8 processes with input files as "filename.inpt" and "filename.ion" in the root directory (SPARC/), use the following command:

$ mpirun -np 24 ./lib/sparc -name filename

As an example, one can run one of the tests located in SPARC/tests/. First go to SPARC/tests/Example_tests/ directory:

$ cd tests/Example_tests/

The input file is available inside the folder. Run a DC silicon system by

$ mpirun -np 24 ../../lib/sparc -name Si8_kpt

The result is printed to output file "Si8_kpt.out", located in the same directory as the input files. If the file "Si8_kpt.out" is already present, the result will be printed to "Si8_kpt.out_1" instead. The max number of ".out" files allowed with the same name is 100. Once this number is reached, the result will instead overwrite the "Si8_kpt.out" file. One can compare the result with the reference out file named "Si8_kpt.refout".

In the tests/ directory, we also provide a suite of tests which are arranged in a hierarchy of folders. Each test system has its own directory. A python script is also provided which launches the suite of test systems. To run a set of four quick tests locally on the CPU, simply run:

$ python quick_run

The result is stored in the corresponding directory of the tests. A message is also printed in the terminal showing if the tests passed or failed. The tests can also be launched in parallel on a cluster by using the Python script. Detailed information on using the python script can be found in the 'ReadMe' file in the tests/ directory.

(5) Output

Upon successful execution of the sparc code, depending on the calculations performed, some output files will be created in the same location as the input files.

Single point calculations

Structural relaxation calculations

Ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) calculations

(6) Maintenance

for SPARC C/C++ developers, check the maintenance guide for details including:

  1. CI/CD workflows
  2. Compiled binary release on conda-forge

(7) Citation:

If you publish work using/regarding SPARC, please cite some of the following articles, particularly those that are most relevant to your work:

(7) Acknowledgement: