Use TTGO T-Beam as LoRa APRS Tracker
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Feature Request: iGate Integrated in the Firmware #29

Open eaxi opened 3 years ago

eaxi commented 3 years ago

Integration of the traditional iGate Feature from Peterus.

So that we only need one Firmware for the Boards.

Config for the iGates from the Web-Interface.

M0IGA commented 3 years ago

simple digi rather than iGate

mi-gri commented 2 years ago

I second the request. I would like to have the option to send the received packets directly to the aprsis server while using KISS to send my own packets (e.g. using an app on my mobile phone) . Using KISS (especially for both directions) does end in a significant lag comparing to a direct aprsis connection. That way the station is nearly never the first to announce a packet if there is any other receiving station. So it seems to have a very bad receiving according to the aprs-website although the packets are just transferred to late. It also causes a big amount of dupes on the apris-server according the statistics.

mattbk commented 2 years ago

Would integrating pieces of the LoRa_APRS_iGate project be useful? https://github.com/lora-aprs/LoRa_APRS_iGate

As an aside, would packets sent from a device using the code in the current repository be picked up by the LoRa_APRS_iGate project (assuming same frequency, which they seem to hardcode)? I don't yet understand how the packets are being sent via LoRa.

mattbk commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that the https://github.com/lora-aprs/LoRa_APRS_iGate project can act as an iGate for a device running this code, if the baud rate is set at 300, not 1200. SQ9MDD's code can both send and receive packets sent by the lora-aprs code, and vice versa.

This doesn't solve the ticket, but does make it possible to deploy an iGate/digipeater if you are OK using different code for it. I'm pretty excited for that, at least.

Some notes I took while learning are below.

SQ9MDD: image image These codes mean:

lora-aprs: (values are default except for frequency, which I changed for my device) image

Spreading factor is here given in different units? A number between 7 and 12.

2^{𝑆𝐹} 𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑝𝑠 =1 𝑠𝑦𝑚𝑏𝑜𝑙 (source).

So a spreading factor of 12 is 4096 chips/symbol and a spreading factor of 9 is 512 chips/symbol.

iu2frl commented 2 years ago

i have the iGate software you mentioned and it's working just fine only by setting baudrate to 300 in the TTGO Tracker, we already have two iGate in my town and the coverage it's quite impressive considering the low power

I just reccomend to be careful when using the iGate softwaer as the settings are stored in the internal filesystem and get corrupted every time the battery drops under a certain voltage (i guess it tries to turn on, starts reading file, power itself off due to battery failure and the file gets corrupted)

dl9sau commented 2 years ago

I'll try to implement the igate feature in the next weeks.

dl9sau commented 2 years ago

If you like to test my brandnew version, please send my a mail at my callsing at darc.de

I'd appreciate feedback if everything works as expected and proves stable.