Use TTGO T-Beam as LoRa APRS Tracker
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LoRa tracker with KISS TNC capability

Tracker can be used on its own. You can also connect it via blueetooth with APRSdroid. After connection with APRX based DIGI it can be used as KISS-TNC



Supported boards

User key functions:

short press (OLED Enabled):

short press (OLED Disabled):

long press while booting

long press: toggle on or off GPS power supply

Oled screens information

How to binary first flash readme... (thanx SP6VWX)

Installing from source (only for advanced users)

Configuring parameters

Wait for the board to reboot, connect to "N0CALL AP" WiFi network, password is: xxxxxxxxxx (10 times "x") and point your browser to "" (http, not https). Hover your mouse to textboxes to get useful hints.

WiFi Settings

you can scan for local SSID or manually type in name and password

APRS Settings

These are main APRS settings such as callsign, SSID and symbol (refer to: http://www.aprs.org/symbols.html). Please remember to turn ON GPS in order to use it as a tracker.

Device Settings

These are main device settings, hover the mouse on the checkboxes and explainations will appear.


Here is the list of recently received stations with some details


Some shortcuts to useful functions such as manually send beacon


This box allows firmware to be uploaded via OTA

Default WiFi Password: