Use TTGO T-Beam as LoRa APRS Tracker
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Add OLED timeout when display is ON and no packets are received #66

Closed iu2frl closed 2 years ago

iu2frl commented 2 years ago

To better save power it would be useful to enable OLED just when necessary (such as when receiving packets or pressing a button). For example with OLED in power save mode one short press of user button can wake up the display and with OLED ON a short press can send manual position

iu2frl commented 2 years ago

i got it with very few lines:


ulong oled_timeout = 20000;
bool tempOled = true;
ulong oled_timer = millis();

then create:

void enableOled() {
  tempOled = true;
  oled_timer = millis() + oled_timeout;

change first button detect (lines 850) to:

 if(digitalRead(BUTTON)==LOW && key_up == true){
    key_up = false;
      time_delay = millis() + 1500;
        // ------- begin modification ----------
        // if OLED is off turn it on, if it is ON then send beacon manually
        if (!tempOled) {
        // turn ON OLED temporary
        //----------- end -------------
        } else {
          if(gps_state == true && gps.location.isValid()){
              writedisplaytext("((MAN TX))","","","","","");
              writedisplaytext("((FIX TX))","","","","","");
        key_up = true;

and add a function to turn off the oled right in the main loop, right after the first button detect:

  // Only wake up OLED when necessary

  if (tempOled && millis()>= oled_timer) {
    tempOled = false;

whenever need in the code to show anything on the OLED just run: enableOled()

and that's it, more power save!

SQ9MDD commented 2 years ago

Luca can you do a pull request from this?

iu2frl commented 2 years ago

I'm still working on this, i'd like to make it a little better

iu2frl commented 2 years ago

Done, pull request has been sent

SQ9MDD commented 2 years ago

I have already accepted your pull request. I have released the compilation on github,added you to the list of developers....

SQ9MDD commented 2 years ago

After the first startup, the parameter "Display show RX time (s)" is ignored OLED is blanked right after the startup. I wonder if this function should not have an off switch on the web page

iu2frl commented 2 years ago

I'll get this

iu2frl commented 2 years ago

Done, will merge it soon

i'm currently adding the HTML function

iu2frl commented 2 years ago

I'm working on getting the parameters stored but i can't sort it out, i've added the textbox in the html page, data is being sent and saved but at next reboot it restores old value

iu2frl commented 2 years ago

Done, added in pull request #73. Fixed first awake timer and added in html page