Use TTGO T-Beam as LoRa APRS Tracker
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Clean up telemetry and add option(s) to www interface (TTGO T-beam v.1.0 ) #75

Closed mattbk closed 2 years ago

mattbk commented 2 years ago

TTGO T-beam v.1.0 changes only.

The point of this is to clean up the telemetry information and give some control over it from the www interface. See also #59. Added numeric telemetry sequence rather than MIC by default.

Potential future work (not in this PR):

I will fill this in from my work at https://github.com/mattbk/TTGO-T-Beam-LoRa-APRS/pull/2, I didn't make the PR right in the first place.

iu2frl commented 2 years ago

I might just suggest to add few comments to get better understanding of functions

mattbk commented 2 years ago

Nice intro to preference storage: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-save-data-permanently-preferences/

mattbk commented 2 years ago



Values match each other.

mattbk commented 2 years ago

Factory reset causing constant telemetry send, trying to fix.

Telemetry not resetting to 0 after 999.

mattbk commented 2 years ago

OK, now it's ready for someone to look at or test.

SQ9MDD commented 2 years ago

for TTGO 1.0 everything is ok but other versions do not compile. Will you check it?

mattbk commented 2 years ago

Yes, will try.

SQ9MDD commented 2 years ago

Oh... and Matt please add your call sign to the contributors at the bottom of the page. I would add myself but I don't know him

SQ9MDD commented 2 years ago

I'm thinking of a separate path for telemetry see: https://github.com/SQ9MDD/TTGO-T-Beam-LoRa-APRS/issues/77