Use TTGO T-Beam as LoRa APRS Tracker
64 stars 23 forks source link

Can't compile the sources #99

Open DC1KW opened 2 years ago

DC1KW commented 2 years ago

I have tried to build your great software. But when I compile I receive a lot of errorrs compiling "Adafruit_SPIDevice.cpp":

    "resource": "/d:/Ingmar/Desktop/LORA APRS/TTGO-T-Beam-LoRa-APRS/.pio/libdeps/ttgo-t-beam-v1.0/Adafruit BusIO/Adafruit_SPIDevice.cpp",
    "owner": "cpp",
    "severity": 8,
    "message": "invalid conversion from 'const uint8_t* {aka const unsigned char*}' to 'uint8_t* {aka unsigned char*}' [-fpermissive]",
    "startLineNumber": 310,
    "startColumn": 61,
    "endLineNumber": 310,
    "endColumn": 61
    "resource": "/d:/Ingmar/Desktop/LORA APRS/TTGO-T-Beam-LoRa-APRS/.pio/libdeps/ttgo-t-beam-v1.0/Adafruit BusIO/Adafruit_SPIDevice.cpp",
    "owner": "cpp",
    "severity": 8,
    "message": "invalid conversion from 'const uint8_t* {aka const unsigned char*}' to 'uint8_t* {aka unsigned char*}' [-fpermissive]",
    "startLineNumber": 313,
    "startColumn": 47,
    "endLineNumber": 313,
    "endColumn": 47
    "resource": "/d:/Ingmar/Desktop/LORA APRS/TTGO-T-Beam-LoRa-APRS/.pio/libdeps/ttgo-t-beam-v1.0/Adafruit BusIO/Adafruit_SPIDevice.cpp",
    "owner": "cpp",
    "severity": 8,
    "message": "invalid conversion from 'const uint8_t* {aka const unsigned char*}' to 'uint8_t* {aka unsigned char*}' [-fpermissive]",
    "startLineNumber": 418,
    "startColumn": 59,
    "endLineNumber": 418,
    "endColumn": 59

The reason is that the project is not compatible with current Adafruit_BusIO 1.11.3. You can solve the problem by inserting the following in your "platformio.ini" under your board :

lib_deps = adafruit/Adafruit BusIO@1.11.2

Or you can:

See the image below:


vy 73, DC1KW (Ingmar)