This PowerShell module will connect to and intereract with the SQL Server Diagnostics API - More details about the API here https://ecsapi.portal.azure-api.net/
GNU General Public License v3.0
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This is a module to work with the SQL Server Diagnostics (Preview) API. See https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/sql_server_team/sql-server-diagnostics-preview/ for more details

Blog Posts about this module

How the module was created and usign TDD for Get-SQLDiagRecommendations http://sqldbawithabeard.com/2017/06/30/creating-a-powershell-module-and-tdd-for-get-sqldiagrecommendations/

using Get-SQLDiagRecommendations http://sqldbawithabeard.com/2017/06/29/powershell-module-for-the-sql-server-diagnostics-api-1st-command-get-sqldiagrecommendations/

Using Get-SQLDiagFix https://sqldbawithabeard.com/2017/07/04/using-get-sqldiagfix-to-get-information-from-the-sql-server-diagnostic-api-with-powershell/


Please follow the instructions here install


To understand how best to use the commands please run

Get-Help CommandName -Full

This will show you details and plenty of examples

You can also find the documentation for the commands here


This function connects to the SQL Server Diagnostic Recommendations API and returns the Fixes for the latest Cumulative Update by Product or Feature Area or both.

The video below shows how it works

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This function connects to the SQL Server Diagnostic Recommendations API and returns a PSCustomObject with information about the latest Cumulative Updates for various SQL Server Versions. Details here https://ecsapi.portal.azure-api.net/

It requires the APIKey parameter or the APIKey to be stored using Export-CliXML in the users profile in a file named SQLDiag.Cred

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This function returns the products available in the SQL Server Diagnostic API

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This function returns the latest Cumulative Updates and the date

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This function will show the feature areas that have fixes in the SQL Server Diagnostics Recommendations API for one, several or all products

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Authored by Rob Sewell