SR-Sunny-Raj / Hacktoberfest2021-DSA

NOTE -: For Hacktoberfest2022 please refer this repository to make your contribution. If You know the implementation of any DSA related topic/problem then you can contribute it in this repo. Raise Genuine PRs only. Your PRs will be accepted, keep patience. Star this Repo. You aren't allowed to Update Welcoming developers, content writers, and programming enthusiasts.
MIT License
230 stars 989 forks source link
beginner-friendly c cpp data-structures dsa-algorithm hacktoberfest hacktoberfest-2021 hacktoberfest-accepted hacktoberfest-approved hacktoberfest-event hacktoberfest2021 java open-source python


Hacktoberfest 2021

Link To HacktoberFest 2021

Event details :

How can you Join?

Step - 1:

Create a GitHub account, if you don't already have one. Need help? Here are some resources to help you set up your GitHub account:

Step - 2:

Register for Hacktoberfest: Navigate to the Hacktoberfest registration page and follow the instructions. But, read the rules carefully before you do and then sign In using your GitHub credentials.

Step - 3:

Find good projects worth contributing on the GitHub page. You can type label:hactoberfest is:issue is:open

You can add a language label of your choice to filter open issues. If you are a beginner and can’t find good issues then there’s tag label:good first issue which filters out issues for beginners who want to contribute.

Here's something beginner-friendly for you:

Step - 4:

Submit PRs: Try and submit at least 4 PRs and wait for it to be verified. Make sure to submit quality PRs.

HacktoberFest Rules :

For your PR to count it must be:

Whether it’s your first or fiftieth pull request, there’s always more to learn! We’ve put together a few resources that can help you create quality pull requests, keep your repositories pristine, and build on your open source knowledge.

Join Discord Conversation

Rules To Contribute To This Repo

file naming convention

use file type comments
questions all questions of particular topic are mentioned in a file inside the sub topic folder
C++ solutions [topic name].cpp solution C++ code file code to a question is written in same folder where question is mentioned
algorithm solution [topic name]-algorithm.txt algorithm solution to a question is written in a .txt txt file in same folder where question is mentioned

Things you can contribute to

Steps For Contribution

1. Fork this repo
2. Star this repo
3. Add a file ( txt/cpp ) inside appropriate folder
4. commit the code
5. Make pull request


  1. Beginner-friendly
  2. Targeted for developers, content writers, and programming enthusiasts.
  3. Would also help participants who are not familiar with development but are eager to participate in open source.



Connect with me

Sunny's LinkdeIn Sunny's Instagram Sunny's Twitter    

if (isAwesome) {
  // thanks in advance :p

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