SRGSSR / pillarbox-android

The modern SRG SSR Pillarbox player targeting Android platforms
MIT License
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Consolidate metrics management #625

Closed defagos closed 2 months ago

defagos commented 3 months ago

As a developer I need to get rid of the metrics gathering mess that my code has tuned into.



Acceptance criteria


StaehliJ commented 3 months ago


 * Playback stats metrics
 * Role
 *  - Gather playback metrics, likes stalls, total play times.
 *  - Request metrics anytime.
 *  - Metrics are reset when current item is changed.
class PlaybackStatsMetrics : PillarboxAnalyticsListener {

    private var stalls = 0

    override fun onStallChanged(eventTime: AnalyticsListener.EventTime, isStalls: Boolean) {

    fun getCurrentMetrics(): Any? = null

class RemoteService {
    suspend fun send(payload: Any) {

class LocalService {
    suspend fun store(entity: Any) {


    suspend fun getNotSendData(): Any = Any()


interface QosSender {
    fun sendEvent(event: Any)

class QoS(
    remote: RemoteService,
    databaseService: LocalService,

class PillarboxQos(
    val timingMetrics: QoSSessionAnalyticsListener,
    val metrics: PlaybackStatsMetrics,
    val service: QosSender,
) : PillarboxAnalyticsListener {

    lateinit var sessionManager: PlaybackSessionManager

    override fun onStallChanged(eventTime: AnalyticsListener.EventTime, isStalls: Boolean) {
        val metrics = metrics.getCurrentMetrics()