SRGSSR / pillarbox-android

The modern SRG SSR Pillarbox player targeting Android platforms
MIT License
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Last release Android min SDK Build status License

Pillarbox is the modern SRG SSR multimedia player ecosystem, built on top of AndroidX Media3. Pillarbox has been designed with robustness, flexibility, and efficiency in mind, with full customization of:

Its robust player provides all essential playback features you might expect:

In addition, Pillarbox provides support for SRG SSR content by including the pillarbox-core-business module (see "Getting started" below).

[!TIP] Pillarbox is also available on Apple platforms and the Web.


You can easily get your hands on Pillarbox by running one of the demo applications available in this project: pillarbox-demo for phone/tablet, or pillarbox-demo-tv for TV.

Each application allows you to:

Getting started

Add the GitHub Packages repository

Pillarbox is deployed to GitHub Packages. So you need to add the following repository in your Gradle configuration:

// If you declare your repositories in the `settings.gradle(.kts)` file
repositories {
    maven("") {
        credentials {
            username = providers.gradleProperty("gpr.user").get()
            password = providers.gradleProperty("gpr.key").get()

// If you declare your repositories in the root `build.gradle(.kts)` file
repositories {
    maven("") {
        credentials {
            username = project.findProperty("gpr.user")?.toString()
            password = project.findProperty("gpr.key")?.toString()

Create a Personal access token

  1. Go to Settings > Developer Settings > Personal access tokens.
  2. Click on Generate new token.
  3. Provide a note for the token, and change the expiration (if needed).
  4. Make sure that at least the read:packages scope is selected.
  5. Click on Generate token.
  6. Copy your Personal access token.
  7. In your ~/.gradle/ file (create it if needed), add the following properties:

[!TIP] You can check the GitHub documentation for more information.

Add the Pillarbox dependencies

In your module's build.gradle/build.gradle.kts file, add the following dependencies, based on your needs:

// Player specific features

// Library to handle Cast integration

// Library to handle SRG SSR content through media URNs

// Library to display the video surface

The latest stable version is Last release

Enable Java 17

If not already enabled, you also need to turn on Java 17 support in every build.gradle/build.gradle.kts files using Pillarbox. To do so, add/update the following to/in the android section:

compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
    targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17

kotlinOptions {
    jvmTarget = "17"

Support Android API < 24

A change in AndroidX Media3 1.3.0 requires applications to use library desugaring, as described in the corresponding Android documentation:

compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
    targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
    isCoreLibraryDesugaringEnabled = true

dependencies {

[!IMPORTANT] This should be done even if your min SDK version is 24+.

Integrate Pillarbox

To start using Pillarbox in your project, you can check each module's documentation:


If you want to contribute to the project have a look at our contributing guide.


See the LICENSE file for more information.